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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reminder: retreat from outer world on Sundays with others!

Dear friends, 
   I invite you to retreat from the outer world each Sunday, invite friends over to experience this with you, write long global and personal prayer lists, and join me on web tv as we meditate together, and receive pure Source energies of deekshas for healing and Oneness and spiritual growth.   The more people that join, and the more prayers offered, the more energies of Oneness and miracles of healing will come!
   Every Sunday morning I invite you to a web tv event designed to assist us now, and in our transition into the new dimensions!  Deeksha givers welcome to assist in sending the blessings!
   It is a 2 hour event beginning at 8am Pacific Time. It will be every Sunday at this time. 
 Just go to
a few minutes ahead of time.   If there ever were to be a disruption in internet service,  the energies will still be sent.   You would only need to pray or intend to be connected to the event.  
Source energy is channeled via Oneness Blessings / deekshas.   God, or Universal energies, or whoever or whatever you call the Source of all Life will come to you as the one you intend, whether it is God, Jesus, Allah, your guru, etc.  These are very pure and powerful energies, miracles often happen.
There will be an optional opportunity to get a neutral implant, nullifying some of the great challenges that are “wired”  into you, and making you a “graduate.”   You will immediately get 3 master guides.    This request is from a channeled book by Kryon, Book 1,  see   When I have sat beside people who do this, their aura gets full of light and expands immediately!  
There will be a guided meditation on our chakras for balance, growth + receptivity.   We will then have Oneness Blessings (deekshas) for spiritual growth, to be all we can be now and in the coming Shift.   Deekshas are  pure and powerful channeled Source energies.  
  Then we will do Tom Kenyon’s Crystal Palace meditation,  a meditation for connecting to Earth, our penial gland, and our soul.   Please read the Hathors channeled info describing the 3 segments of the meditation at  This is with Tom Kenyon’s permission and guidance. 
In the meditation, we will be in gratitude to Mother Earth for about 5 minutes while listening in silence to high frequency sounds.   Then we will focus on our penial gland, in the center of our heads, for the next 5 minute segment.   Eventually, a hood comes off this gland, it is an eye, and looks up.   When it looks forward out the third eye, I believe that there will be a huge increase in our Light.   Then we will connect with our celestial soul for 5 minutes, in gratitude, and asking for assistance with any problems we face.   The Hathors channeled guidance on this is very important, and I need to be silent during the meditation.   So prior reading and understanding is suggested. 
We will then have Oneness Blessings for Oneness, for God Realization, and  healings for self and others.   You can make a healing list ahead of time if you wish, and ask for yourself and your whole list to be healed, no limits to how long your list is!  You can ask for healings for anything in life, relationships, problems, health issues, faith, anything!   I suggest asking for two healings for yourself,  to concentrate the energies.
Then we will be in a sacred space, each one lying down if possible while great spirits work to transform you.   We’ll listen to Karunamay’s  Healing Music for up to a 20 minute rest.   The music is called Sri Mrutyunjaya Mantra for healing, and it is sung by the crystal clear tones of the beautiful saint Karunamayi.   You can find articles about her at 
We will then dance for 5 minutes to ground the energies.  
There is a chat function, feedback and sharing will be welcome!     
Blessings, Jeannie / Nadhashree
ps   email feedback after the event welcome at   Put Healing in subject.  

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