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Monday, November 28, 2011

Kryon 11-11-11 energies The Great Human Awakening

suggestion from Jeannie ~   do this as a meditation; it is very powerful!!!   blessings, J / N

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
11 November 2011 at Santiago, Chile
"The Great Human Awakening"

Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be in Santiago on 11-11-11, and this channeling is
by appointment only. Everybody in this room is the same soul group;
you are all healers on a journey and you’re all moving through to the
new energies on the 21st of December, 2012. There are many changes
coming to your lives; the new world is coming and humanity is
awakening. We cannot allow the consciousness of this planet to drop
any lower than what it is now. Don’t get mixed up with consciousness
and technology; technology will take you down a road that will only
cause you problems, deep, deep problems.

Love is the only way. The more that’s in your body, the less and less
technology you need. Your bodies are being upgraded, just like a
computer upgrade, and you are being shifted to a new level of
consciousness. In this room you’ve all done a lot of personal growth
and inner work. The new world is coming dear ones, and this is a
special time. This is a time when will be beginning to say goodbye to
the old Earth and welcoming the new world; a new world that is led by
conscious men and women who have walked their path and that have found
love. This is a polar shift on an individual basis; you are changing
your polarities from negative to positive and the more inner work that
you’ve done and the more harmony that’s in your body the easier you
will find this shift. Nothing is by chance; as we say, you are here by
prior appointment and love is the only answer. There is no answer for
this planet other than to move back into love, and to connect fully
with the universe and with Mother Earth. For many, many years now,
3600 years, the planet has slowly but surely decreased in
consciousness. It might not look that way but you have been
disconnected from God, from the universe, and now you’re moving back
to your divine connection.

You will become magical beings of this divine universe and will walk a
magical path. This new world coming will take a few years to evolve;
on the 21st of December 2012 you will feel a very clear shift of
energy in your body, a very decisive shift as you move from negative
emotions into love. For you in this room it will be very clear and
your lives will be changed from that day onwards. It might take you
some time to become fully complete, but nonetheless your energies will
be switched on so that you have a love-based energy to create your new
world. As you’ve already learned, negative thoughts and negative
emotions create a negative reality. It will be like a switch is thrown
and if there are any negative energies in your body, they will slowly
but surely be released. For some this switch has already been thrown,
and your chakras will constantly be moving in a clockwise direction,
and slowly but surely you will be creating your lives out of love.

Chile is a very big country, maybe the longest in the world from north
to south. This country holds many different energies, and it will not
be a very easy shift for a nation like this; different energies will
flow in different ways from the dry regions in the north to the cold
and the wet in the south. It is not really the climate that is the
problem, each different latitude will have a different energy and a
different way forward, and this will not be an easy flow for Chile.
Those of you who are in this room will be called to help the people
who aren’t as fortunate as yourself and hold a space for their
healing. There are some of you in this room that don’t think you are a
healer, but you all come from a soul group whose job it is to heal
this planet and to see that the shift goes through smoothly.

Most average people will find this shift very, very difficult. This
shift also means that resources will be shared out much more evenly
and equally. There will be much joy in the way you feel; love will be
continually flowing through your energy system as it is now. At the
moment love can flow through your energy system and be turned into
negative energy. After the 21st of December 2012 love will flow freely
through your bodies and create a love-based reality. There is the
possibility of much pain and suffering surrounding you, but you will
not experience this. Your experience will be one of moving from the
3rd dimension into the 4th dimension and becoming Christ conscious
almost on automatic.

So we ask you to close your eyes and to connect to Mother Earth
through the soles of your feet and through your base chakra, and to
Father Sky through the crown chakra, and allow the love to flow, and
feel your bodies. Feel what you’re feeling… observe your feelings…
allow your feelings to come and to go… feel any sensations in your

Dear ones we’re here to hold this energy; to let you feel what the
energy will feel like on the 21st of December 2012. We’re going to
take you to the new world… let the feelings in your body come and let
them go… drop deeper and deeper into your bodies.

Your spirit guides are at your feet and holding you in a space of
love. The umbrella of Kryon is here holding these specialist angels
that understand the Earth plane and this room is going to become like
a container so that you are going to be held in this energy. Allow
your energies to go higher and higher allowing your hearts to be open
even more than they are now… send love to everybody’s heart chakra in
the room… allow the love to flow. We’ve done this many times, but
never on the Earth plane, we’re taking you up in consciousness many
octaves, depending on who you are and what your consciousness is.

Allow your feelings to flow and to come and to go… allow the Kryon
energy to flow into your third eye… into your pineal gland… into the
very tip of your nose… into your throat chakra… into your heart… your
solar plexus… your 2nd chakra… your base chakra… and connect with the
heart of Mother Earth. Allow the love of Mother Earth to flow through
your base chakra… into your 2nd chakra… into your solar plexus… into
your heart… into your throat… into your 3rd eye… crown chakra… and
connect with the heart of the Great Central Sun. Allow the love to
flow as you are on a journey to a world of love, to something you’ve
never experienced before.

This has to be an experiential meditation to go to the fourth
dimension, for the fourth dimension cannot be understood through a
three-dimensional body, so be in your bodies and in your feelings
where you’re being held in a safe and secure place. Allow the love to
flow, and let the feelings come and let the feelings go. Be with your
bodies and feeling any negativity in your bodies… and hold this
negativity… be with it and feel it… and hand it over to Kryon.

The new world is coming dear ones and these are very exciting times.
Feel the love in the room beginning to expand… feel yourselves
becoming like sponges and soaking up the love… allow the love to
dissolve any energies that are in your bodies and any karma that has
to do with the military in your country; genocide or murder against
the indigenous peoples, genocide or murder against any people of
Christ consciousness, or any karma to do with the military, rape,
pillage, murder, killing or torture, and allow these energies in your
body to dissolve and to release. It is these energies that can stop
the flow of love and break down the masculine structure within

Be with your feelings… be in your bodies and feel whatever your
feeling… let the feelings come and let the feelings go… hand over to
the Kryon energy any military feelings or any karma that you’re aware
of and of any members of your family going back three generations that
served in the military.

Let the feelings into your body… let them come and let them go…
observe your breath… feel whatever you’re feeling… dropping deeper and
deeper into your bodies. There is a lot of fear in the room, and there
is a new way a way of love, and there will be no persecution or any
military in the new world. It will be a world filled with love, a
world of freedom, of excitement, a world of caring and sharing, and a
world where your families love each other. It is a world where you
will be held by the universe, your heart and your mind connected to
the universal heart and mind. Let the feelings into your body… let
them come and let them go… allow your vibrations to go higher and
higher and allow your spirit guides and your angels to hold you… allow
your angels and your spirit guides to make themselves known to you.
Maybe they will tickle your face or your nose, or maybe scratch your
ear, so that you know that they’re with you. Feel their love dear
ones, feel their love… everybody loves you for absolutely no reason

In the new world everybody will love each other, you will love
everybody, and the love will flow. So, allow the love to flow… allow
the love of Mother Earth to flow into your bodies. Mother Earth is
also going to ascend, first of all to the 4th dimension and then to
the 5th. This evolution will take time, and what will take the most
energy is to keep humanity balanced and loved; that is why we’re doing
this process today here in Santiago, Chile, so that you can feel the
energies of 2012, but also so your DNA and yourselves can be
activated. Allow your DNA and your energies to be activated so that
you can receive these new energies.

The planets are all moving into place, and your bodies can feel this
as you are all connected to the universe. Your connection will become
much stronger. Allow Mother Earth to ascend beneath you, and feel
Mother Earth ascending from the 3rd to the 4th to the 5th dimension.
Feel these energies move into your body, the energies of the Sacred

Let the feelings come and let the feelings go… feel your energies
being cleansed and purified, and your cells and your DNA being
activated. Today is the 11-11-11, and this day is when the masculine
and the feminine begin to truly merge and when the father truly holds
the mother… allow this to happen in your body… allow any blockage or
any resistance to be dissolved and healed… let the feelings come and
let the feelings go… we’re allowing a shift of energy… allowing your
inner being to move closer and closer to harmony… harmony within
yourself… a reflection of the universe… you are a microcosm of the

Many things are being resolved this night, dear ones… so, let the
feelings into your body… let them come and let them go… this is the
night that your energies are being activated… you are all at a level
of consciousness where this can happen…. allow and feel the energies
in your body, and feel these energies shift and change… Some things
will release, others will be energized and certain energies will be
moved closer to where they belong. Inside of you it’s exactly like the
universe that was out of harmony; we’re moving your inner energies
into harmony and at the same time lifting you to a new vibration…
you’re now at approximately 85% of what the energy will be in December

Allow your bodies to relax… observe your breath and allow yourselves
to be held in the energies… allow for a total release of military
energies and the karma that went with it… allow your energies to go
higher and higher… higher than you’ve ever been lifted before…

In this moment all energies to do with sexual abuse or incest and
prostitution from the past is being held, and all the karma that goes
with that. Everybody on this earth plane has been a little bit
naughty, not only in this lifetime but in lifetimes gone by, and all
this is being resolved. So, take your time and let the feelings come
and let the feelings go… allowing your energies to rise higher and

And now you should be beginning to experience the 4th dimension… you
are at about 90 % of the energy of December 2012… there’s still some
negative energies holding you back, so just stay in your body and
letting the feelings come and let them go… allow the energies of the
11-11-11 to flow through you, activating yourselves and your DNA and
dropping deeper and deeper and deeper into your bodies… let the
feelings come, and let them go…

You’re now being held at 95% of 2012… stay in your bodies… observe
your breath… let the feelings come and let them go… continuing to
allow the energies of 11-11-11 to flow through your bodies, activating
your cells and your DNA. This is the great human awakening, a journey
back to the divine, back to consciousness, a journey back to harmony
with the universe. If there are any energies within you that are
sabotaging this shift, just hand them over to Kryon and the Kryon
energies… let the feelings come, and let the feelings go… allow the
new world to come to you…

The energy in the room is at 99%, and you’re all being held at that
level of consciousness… feel and observe what the new world feels and
looks like… let the feelings come, and let the feelings go… we’re here
to hold this energy… once again, allow yourself to feel the merging of
the masculine and feminine energies… what is your dream? Allow
yourself to dream your dream…

Continue to allow this activation, and allow the energies to move up
and down your spine, cleansing and purifying your spine and flowing
into your mind… allow your mind to dissolve in the love… allow the
mind to move to the heart, handing over the authority that the mind
has had over you to the heart.

Your heart is the new mind of the new age… allow the new chakra of the
new age to open… it is situated between your heart and your throat…
allow the thymus gland to energize and to awaken and see the beautiful
turquoise light of this new chakra…

As this year goes by there will be new energy centers opening in your
bodies… let the feelings come… and let the feelings go… allow the love
to flow… allow yourself to be in the flow of love… for each individual
in this room this night, the turquoise chakra wishes to speak to you…
listen to the words of the turquoise chakra…

And, when you feel you're ready you can come slowly back to the room.
Dear ones, this is Kryon of Magnetic Service. We’re here to honor you
and to love you… we will be working through the night with you… we’re
here to elevate your consciousness and make it a smooth ride into this
new world.

Farewell and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown.
All rights reserved.

The Audio for this channelling is available from:

The information on the website, and in this newsletter, is free to be
shared with all of humanity. If you do pass it on, then we request
that you please add the source of your info (
http://, so that other people can also have access to all
of the info that is available.

All material is Copyright © to David Brown.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We have to do the work if we want a better world, i.e. visualize and feel it now, and frequently

This channeling is another, and very, very good reminder that we create our reality,
and if we do nothing to foster something better on 11/11, nothing better can arise.

I invite you to join me in a morning exercize, where I have a list of affirmations of what I desire.   I visualize a room of Light with a door at the far end, and invite the Jeannie who is already living on the timelines of my wish list to come in.  I have visualized seats in front of me for those Jeannies. 

I have been doing this for a couple of months, and I have seen some of the affirmations show up as reality!   Very encouraging!

So let's together work every day to bring in the timeline of a world where everyone is happy, everyone has enough, harmony and joy prevails

blessings, Jeannie.

from clicking on the button that says, from beings before and beyond time  
Welcome beloveds we have come to communicate and support at this time. We are the
BEings from beyond and before time and we come to guide around the further dissolving of
the old energies and concepts and the emergence of the new energies. We are here to help
YOU understand and anchor the new energies as YOU detach and dissolve the old.
Much is written about the concept of time and that is what we wish to guide on at this time, as
many humans across the planet start to detach from the illusion of time in all forms. For
many this transitionary period of integration has caused much anxiety and many fears have
arisen to the surface in order to be released and transmuted. For many others those fears
still hold on, unable to be released as the human concerned holds on to that which is routine
for fear of the unknown, yet the unknown contains their highest potential and it is this we wish
to guide upon.
Time is a concept that has enslaved the human race and constrained and contained. Many
humans across the planet have anchored the concept of time so deeply into their BEing that
they are unable to see how to detach from something that suppresses. Many cling on to the
concept of time and “same” in a desperate attempt to make sense of the world around them
and we guide ALL to detach from this behaviour. Whilst the mind whirls into overdrive driving
to prove and disprove, trying to make sense of the chaos that is freedom, illusion grows dear
ones and it is illusion who is YOUr keeper. We ask why the need for so much constraint in a
world that is now FREE?
Many have not understood fully the concept of time being a ruler and we note that until
recently our channel did not fully understand the whole concept of this. She has now been
shown the biggest illusion of all in relation to the calendar and we are confident she can
move past this. We guide on the concept of months, days and years and guide ALL to
detach from these teachings. The calendar was invented as a form of control and many now
live their life experience through the containment of the 24hour period and the time called
months. This is a form of control that perpetuates “same” beloved ones and that is a tool of
We note that many are now gearing up to the 11/11/11 and we guide ALL to be wary of
falling into this. Whilst this date is a portal and contains much significance for the human race
it has not come into the moment beloveds. At this time the “date” is moving to take ALL who
attach to it out of the moment and into the future, which is a teaching of illusion. YOU create
at this moment beloved ones, this moment, not in the future nor the past for that is illusion,
the only time is NOW.
Many are now looking forward as they did to the Ascension process and expecting miracles
to happen when they have not created the energy of the miracles prior to the creation of the
miracle. Do you understand our analogy? do you understand our words? The gateway will
produce miracles but it is the potential that is to be worked with, if YOU stand and wait dear
ones then YOU will wait forever for the universe awaits YOUr call to creation. We guide most
clearly that YOU create, YOU are the driving force of this YOUr human life experience and
that is co-created at will with ALL realms.
If YOU sit back as illusion is teaching and await a date in the future then YOU give YOUr
power away and we guide ALL to detach from this way of BEing. Many are now making plans
for this date and yet we note that none are working with the universe to create on this date.
Let us explain further to clarify our words. The energies available on this date are immense
and will seek to push dreams further than dreams have gone before yet we note that many
across the planet do not dream. Many are still bound by the teachings of illusion that seek to
teach that life is something that happens to the human BEing. This is not TRUTH. Life
experience is created from within the human BEing at ALL TIMES. Many will awaken on the
11/11/11 to find that their power has not increased, as they have not created the dream to
bring into creation.
We seek to guide most strongly that the universe that YOU understand co-creates; it does
not idly deliver to those who wait patiently. Such is the change in energies that YOU are
powerful beyond measure yet many wait as they have been instructed to do for aeons. This
is not seeing the new unfold beloved ones this is the attempt by illusion to maintain “same”.
Akin to the rules invented by illusion to seek to lower and contain the human vibration this
waiting achieves the same thing.
Many are under the illusion that somehow all will be delivered to them on this auspicious date
yet those same humans have not co-created or “sent in their order”. How does a universe
that works to co-create and bring the magic of the dream to creation react to this? Many will
awaken to disappointment when they realise that the doorway was open yet they failed to
step through it.
We seek to guide and support to show that YOU are the creators beloved ones but the lower
energies of waiting and rules are still in operation. YOU are not bound by ANY rules, the new
energies do not support the oppression of the human race yet many have not moved in
behaviours nor action and we ask why?
Many are now seeking others to explain to them how to create and we guide that creation
comes from within each human BEing. Whilst many appear to work together they are in fact
creating singly. The creations may be blended to bring dreams that are similar into creation
but as each human BEing is individual and unique it is not possible to recreate the same
dream exactly. Do you understand our analogy?
We cannot guide strongly enough for humans across the planet to take up the reigns of their
life experience and to create, the pages are blank and until you do the work to fill the pages
they will remain blank. Being able to access higher portals of immense energy will seek to
make the blank pages glow with energy but if there is nothing written on the page there is
nothing to bring to creation. We guide this to show the level of power of the human race and
not in judgement for judgement is not our role.
We wish to guide now on blending and ask that YOU read our words and process with the
heart for the heart knows TRUTH. Many humans across the planet are still in mind centred
life experience and we guide to detach from this. The human mind will not be able to make
sense of the new energies as the human mind is unable to FEEL, that is the role of the heart.
The clearing that has gone on across the planet has opened the heart yet many still pull back
from fully engaging in this process. We guide once more beloved ones that the mind is not
the organ for FEELing emotion.
Many of the creations that appear on earth are brought into creation from the thoughts and
feelings of the creator of them. They appear as visions and then the emotions bring the vision
to life as it were. We guide YOU to FEEL the creations and pour the emotions through YOUr
vision of YOUr human life experience. Those who are able to connect fully with their dreams
and visions have the power to bring them into the physical for the emotion drives the energy
that drives the creation. Do you understand our analogy? That is why ALL realms guide that
the reason for the human life experience is to follow what makes the heart sing. For the heart
singing has tremendous power that is sent out across the ethers. This power is vast, for the
power of sound, the power of the note that the LOVE that IS creates is vast. Combine this
with FAITH and YOU will create at powerful levels. Yet many do not connect with the heart
and do not allow the creation of the note of the LOVE that IS.
Many humans across the planet work in roles that they do not connect with and we guide that
this was created to contain by illusion. If what YOU do most of the waking life experience
does not resonate and does not make YOUr heart sing then how do YOU create the note of
the LOVE that IS that will resonate throughout the heavens? The answer is that YOU
cannot and this has been used as a tool of suppression by illusion for aeons.
For those who connect with the heart and who follow the heart to create the notes the
creation of the dream is more straightforward, for the power behind the creation is LOVE and
LOVE is the answer to ALL beloved ones. For LOVE creates and LOVE soars and LOVE is
what YOU are. Do you see our analogy beloved ones? Do you see how illusion still teaches
through the behaviours and beliefs that is has anchored within YOU? Illusion may be
breaking down and dissolving but the dissolving of the behaviours, borne out of illusion
teachings, must be dissolved by each human who has anchored these teachings within their
Music is the key beloved ones; music is not a creation or an invention that is co-incidental.
The music of the spheres is the orchestrated song of creation. Work with the notes of YOUr
human life experience and allow the notes to sing to YOU for YOU are the music of the
spheres. Each human BEing alive on planet earth has a note and it is this note that identifies
who YOU are to the universe. If YOU blend YOUr notes with the notes of the realms who are
here to guide and support YOU create the song of creation. Whilst YOU wait for something to
magically change in YOUr life experience what is sent out to the universe is a single note and
silence. That silence can only be changed by YOU, do you understand our analogy?
Many are now excitedly looking FORWARD to the 11/11/11 but in looking forward they take
their eyes off the power of NOW. That for many human BEings will rob them further of their
power as they believe that they have no work to do, that life will somehow open and expand
with no input on their part. We guide this is a teaching of illusion and to detach from this
teaching. If YOU do not work beloved ones, if YOU do not send YOUr dream, YOUr song
out the universe then what do you expect back? For the human life experience is created by
YOU at all times, it is not a series of co-incidences that just happen to land on YOUr
More frustration will arise within many across the planet as the new energies unfold and they
realise that illusion taught them to wait and to wait. For the waiting will see the universe send
YOU more waiting for that is how the universe works beloved ones. It delivers what it is
asked to deliver. If YOU wait and wait then it can only send YOU waiting time. Many are now
beginning to anchor the new energies and this has seen vast leaps forward in the creations
that they dream, for to dream is to be able to create. It is not possible to create without first
dreaming. For many the dreamtime is still a place of nightmares and of memories that they
are trying to run from. We guide most strongly to use dreamtime to allow that which no longer
serves to go and be transmuted back into the LOVE that IS. Do not be afraid to dream
beloved ones for illusion has tried to teach that dreaming is useless, illusion knows the power
of dreams and that is why it uses the scenarios of death and destruction via the media and
games to keep YOU out of dreamtime. A human BEing so exhausted they cannot dream is a
human BEing enslaved and contained. A human BEing so afraid to close their eyes for they
do not want to see what is there is a human BEing who is controlled and suppressed.
The time of freedom is NOW dear ones, take back the power that is YOU and dare to dream,
dream BIG in bright beautiful colours and then ask to blend with ALL realms to increase the
volume of the song that YOU send out to the universe. For we all dance the dance of
creation to the tune that is created by YOU beloved ones. Learn to tune the note that is YOU
and learn to create beautiful music by becoming the conductor. An orchestra without a
conductor is lost. Find the music within YOU, connect to it and let the music play for YOU
are a vastly powerful BEing.
Do not let the calendar; the clock and other instruments of illusion remove the power that is
YOU. For YOU create at all moments and not just on one day or one date of the year. We
are the BEings from beyond and before time and we come to guide and support ALL as they
begin to find their feet and learn to walk once more. ALL ARE ONE.
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.