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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hilarion: It is Time to Move to the Next Level

Hilarion: It is Time to Move to the Next Level

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff
July 31 – August 6, 2011
Beloved Ones,
Life on the Earth plane begins to take on a faster pace than before. There will be many happenings that occur that will seem to be miraculous and hard to believe. As these events take place, remember to keep your equilibrium at all times and be at peace. As the dimensions converge into closer and closer proximity, there will be greater feelings of joy and anticipation felt within the hearts of all and the sense of impending freedom will begin to take root.
It is time to take your steps to the next level, that of self responsibility and self mastery. Focus completely on what you desire to manifest and take shape in your lives and in your World and do not let anything distract you from this focus. The coming weeks and months are times of opportunity to make great strides forward in your spiral of evolution to achieve Mastery of your human selves and begin to make progress towards encompassing greater abilities and talents than previously thought possible. Each of you is capable of achieving greater things than you have ever dreamt possible.
As you step up to the plate, know that as you take back your personal power and sovereignty, you make a choice that is for the highest good for all. Every positive and focused action that you take counts very much in the overall scheme of things and it behooves you all to create a new game, one filled with joy, infinite goodness and wholesome possibilities. Believe in the innate goodness and greatness of your fellow humans and hold this vision with all the strength you can muster each day no matter what takes place around you.
The great task that is before you now, Dear Ones, is the shattering of the band of deeply embedded negative thought forms that have formed as a field of low density energy that surrounds the Earth. The new Cosmic energies that are coming in are assisting in this process but you are the ones who must state your intentions to make it so. On a free will Planet, it is the inhabitants who must exercise their sovereign and Divine rights to restore this Planet to its original Divine blueprint by intending that this is so. Practice your rights as co-creators with the Divine Source of All That Is by daily intending alignment with the Divine Plan for the Earth and everyone and everything upon Her.
Make it your intention each day to align with your Holy Christ Self and to follow Divine Will for the highest good of all. There is and will continue to be many, many distractions that will pull you away from your central core if you allow it. These times require discernment and the following of your hearts promptings, even if you do not currently understand the reasons why. You are all learning to follow a higher vision, the vision of your Great I AM Presence and this will require surrender of human will in favor of Divine Will. Believe that your Higher Self desires only the very highest and best outcomes for you and all those whom you love and trust that all will be well.
Visualize yourselves as Light Beings about 12 feet tall and play with that vision daily. Imagine and feel yourselves as powerful Beings who can effect great changes just by being here during these momentous times. Feel the love of the Creator in your heart chakra and radiate this out from you in ever growing concentric circles and know that your Light and your Love is truly making a difference.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

from   with many other good links daily!

The Big Shift is happening

Montague Keen: You Will Experience a Healing Period

Channeler: Veronica Keen
July 31, 2011
The Big Shift is happening, my dear. Some are able to connect to their inner light. They are using this Love to connect with Spirit. You must help those who are willing to listen and face the facts of what is actually happening. Fear will be used to try to keep you under control. Do not buy into this. Know that you are part of the New Beginning. You are the co-creators, chosen to reclaim your planet and return it to the Light. You will know instinctively what you must do to help those who are still hooked into the illusion they believe to be real.
As your consciousness expands, you will connect with higher frequencies. Your understanding of the Universe and the importance of Earth reconnecting with it, will become clear. Illness will become a thing of the past – a distant memory. Your bodies will recover from all the man-made attacks from which they have suffered. You will experience a healing period when both Man and Earth recover and move forward into the light. Love and peace will prevail. It will not be an easy time for any of you, as the shadows of the past have – from one generation to another – endeavoured to thwart the call of Spirit to create and unify Creation. This is our promise. We will succeed. The voice of truth will not be silenced.
Now you fully understand the importance of the action taken by the Prime Minister of Ireland, in speaking up regarding the abuse of children by the Vatican. This was the first step that needed to be taken in order that the world learns that it is the Vatican which controls your world and every person in it. The evidence is there, but was kept secret. They preached love, but controlled by fear. They are now under scrutiny. The facts emerging are shocking and upsetting for those who had trusted them. Truth has to be faced before the next steps can be taken. The Vatican is the umbrella organisation that is in control of everything. It will not survive once the truth emerges. The defiling of helpless, innocent children, will never again be tolerated anywhere in the world. The Vatican needs to step up to the plate and admit that it condoned and facilitated such crimes against humanity.
We are preparing the portals through which we will re-enter your world to guide you forward into the Light. The new reality will alter how you see the planet and all human life, plus your fellow beings from other planets who will be happy to reconnect with you and assist you through this great Transition. You are making history. Keep records of everything as it happens, so that future generations will learn and understand what had to happen so that they could live in peace and love.
You will notice that some may “disappear”. Some may be replaced by Spirits who may resemble them. Many will be exposed as evil: they will be dealt with as seen fit. Expect much change and ask for guidance from those you trust.
My wife is finding it difficult to stay awake and concentrate. She has been very ill for a few weeks. She is on strong medication and she needs to rest and recover. Please understand that it is not possible for her to reply to all the emails as she works alone. We are doing all that we can to aid her recovery. I remain her devoted husband, Monty.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love my people free ~ a message from White Buffalo Calf Woman

or on the home page, scroll down a bit and find the video in the middle, at
I have added a healing for all indigenous peoples on my global healing list, and a healing for all hearts worldwide of all beings.  I invite you to do the same. 
blessings, Jeannie / Nadhashree

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Awakening is the Beginning, 5 Gateways

This film shares the process of awakening to Oneness, and the experiences beyond that lead to full enlightenment. 

http://www.openhand /five_gateways/ 5_gateways_ trailer

http://www.openhand /five_gateways/ 5gateways_ documentary_ fullfilm

Lesson that all of life is energy ~ and how to shift your energies

Dear friends, 

   The story below is awesome!   And I invite you to come to my webtv show every Sunday morning, link below, to alter every energy around you, and the collective!!!  
blessings, Jeannie / Nadhashree
New 30 minute short meditation + healings 4 Oneness, Growth + Global Healings 

Anita's Near-Death Story Filled with Inspiration and Wisdom

Dear friends,

The highly inspiring story below was written by a woman named Anita who went through a most extraordinary near-death experience. Her story of what happened on the other side of the veil and the miracle healing which confounded her doctors show that life may be much more than most people think. Read on and drink in the rich wisdom and inspiration of this powerful near-death story which has touched many thousands around the world.

With very best wishes,

Anita's Miraculous Near-Death Story

I had cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma), and on this fateful morning, I could not move. My husband rushed me to hospital. After doing scans, they diagnosed me with grade 4B lymphoma (the highest grade). The senior oncologist looked at my report and told my husband that it was too late, that my organs were now shutting down. I only had 36 hours to live.

The oncologist said he would do whatever he could, but prepared my husband that I would most likely not make it, as my organs were no longer functioning. They started me on a chemotherapy drip as well as oxygen.Then they started to take tests to determine what drugs to use.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness during this time. I could feel my spirit actually leaving my body. I saw and heard the conversations between my husband and the doctors taking place outside my room, about 40 feet away down a hallway. I was later able to verify this conversation with my shocked husband.

Then I actually "crossed over" to another dimension. I was engulfed in a total feeling of love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had the cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand scheme of things, and how life works in general.

The clarity and understanding I obtained in this state is almost indescribable. Words cannot describe the experience. I was at a place where I understood how much more there is than what we are able to conceive in our three-dimensional world. I realized what a gift life is, and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual beings, who were always around me even when I did not know it.

The amount of love I felt was overwhelming. From this perspective, I knew how powerful I am and saw the amazing possibilities we as humans are capable of achieving during a physical life. I found out that if I survived, my purpose now would be to live "heaven on earth" using this new understanding, and also to share this knowledge with other people. However I had the choice of whether to come back into life, or go towards death.

I was made to understand that it was not my time, but I always had the choice. And if I chose death, I would not be experiencing a lot of the gifts that the rest of my life still held in store.

One of the things I wanted to know was that if I chose life, would I have to come back to this sick body, because my body was very, very sick and the organs had stopped functioning. I was then made to understand that if I chose life, my body would heal very quickly. I would see a difference in not months or weeks, but days!

I was shown how illnesses start on an energetic level before they become physical. If I chose to go into life, the cancer would be gone from my energy, and my physical body would catch up very quickly. I then understood that when people have medical treatments for illnesses, it rids the illness only from their body but not from their energy, so the illness often returns.

I realized if I went back, I would return with a very healthy energy. My physical body would catch up to the energetic conditions very quickly and permanently. I was given the understanding that this applies to anything, not only illnesses, but physical conditions, psychological conditions, etc.

I was "shown" that everything going on in our lives is dependant on this energy around us, created by us. Nothing is solid. We create our surroundings, our conditions, etc. depending on where this "energy" is at. The clarity I received around how we get what we do was phenomenal! It's all about where we are energetically. I was made to feel that I was going to see "proof" of this first hand if I returned back to my body.

I was drifting in and out between the two worlds. Every time I drifted into the "other side", I was shown more and more scenes. There was one which showed how my life had touched all the people I had come in contact with. It was sort of like a tapestry and showed how I affected everyone's lives around me. There was another which showed my brother on a plane, having heard the news I was dying, coming to see me (this was later verified to me, as when I started to come round, my brother was there having just got off a plane).

I then saw a glimpse of my brother and me and somehow seemed to understand it was a previous life, where I was much older than him and was like a mother to him (in this life, he is older than me). I saw in that life I was very protective towards him. I suddenly became aware he was on the plane to come and see me, and felt "I can't do this to him. I can't let him come and see me dead". Then I also saw how my husband's purpose was linked to mine, and how we had decided to come and experience this life together. If I went, he would probably follow soon after.

I was made to understand – as tests had been taken for my organ functions and the results were not out yet – that if I chose life, the results would show that my organs were functioning normally. If I chose death, the results would show organ failure as the cause of death, due to cancer. I was able to change the outcome of the tests by my choice!

I made my choice to live. As I started to wake up (in a very confused state, as I could not at that time tell which side of the veil I was on), the doctors came rushing into the room with big smiles on their faces saying to my family, "Good news! We got the results and her organs are functioning. We can't believe it!! Her body really did seem like it had shut down!"

After that, I began to recover rapidly. The doctors waited for me to become stable enough to do a lymph node biopsy to track the type of cancer cells. Once completed, they could not find a single lymph node big enough to suggest cancer. Yet upon entering the hospital my body had been filled with swollen lymph nodes. They then did a bone marrow biopsy to assess the cancer activity so that they could adjust the chemotherapy according to the disease. Yet there wasn't any cancer in the bone marrow.

The doctors were very confused, but told me it must have been a rapid response to the chemo. Because they themselves were unable to understand what was going on, they made me undergo test after test, all of which I passed with flying colors. Clearing every test empowered me even more! I had a full body scan, and because they couldn't believe they didn't find anything, they made the radiologist repeat it again!!!!

Because of my experience, I am now sharing with everyone I know that miracles are possible in our lives every day. After what I have seen, I realize that absolutely anything is possible, and that we did not come here to suffer. Life is supposed to be great, and we are very, very loved. The way I look at life has changed dramatically. I am so glad to have been given a second chance to experience "heaven on earth".