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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There is nothing outside of This Moment that is real!


Annete Carlson is an advanced Lightworker.   You can sign up for free calls at the site above. 

She says:

What do you imagine life is going to be like in 5 years, 10 years? How is the Golden Age (of Higher Consciousness) we have entered going to save Humanity from itself? The world is now going through major changes to survive. We are at a crucial time in our evolution. We are being guided to move into new awarenesses that shift our lives and our perceptions. We are being called to Wake Up from living the fear that has deadened our hearts to our true happiness and joy. Our planet reflects the state of our own inner conflicts, anger and confusion. The world is a mirror to what is inside of us. What will help us?

Our Souls are calling out for that connection back to Love, back to Truth.  So what is that Truth?  It is simple and very profound.  There is nothing outside of This Moment that is real.  Awakening to that Reality is a process of gradual inner unfoldment as we become aware of the Sacred in everything around us and see the unity within all things.  Until now, our very existence has lived in a state of separation which is the nature of the ego and is full of concepts, beliefs and opinions.  Our separation will dissolve once we recognize the Truth of the Present Moment because it will lead us to Oneness consciousness.  All the great teachings relate this Truth, that we are all One.  We are awakening out of a long dream of illusion.  This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which is about the revival of Spirit among All generations.

In less than 5 years, the shift will happen, it is beginning now.  Imagine just for a moment that Enlightenment or Self-Realization, considered almost impossible to reach and usually taking many years of practices, austerities, meditation and prayer, suddenly becomes a common and natural achievement.  Imagine that now it becomes possible to receive an energy activation that lifts the veils of the mind separating us from our true real nature. Imagine that we are moving into our destiny of living completely in Oneness.

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