108 ways to leave negativity behind
by Jeannie Alvin / Nadhashree
Our friend and space brother, SaLuSa, on 8-June-2011, said that it is time to throw yourself fully into your efforts to bring Light to the Earth.
Inelia Benz said a few months ago that we are 70% towards having the Shift with ease and grace. Working together, we can soon go that extra 30%!!!!
We appear to be entering fully into the 4th dimension, and leaving the 3rd behind. What this means to me is that we will manifest anything we focus on very quickly ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly.
So here are 108 easy ways to make that difference, and raise our own and the Collective's vibrations.
1. We could form new Positive Only Focus yahoo groups with tips and sharing how we are keeping our focus on the Light and the new Golden Age. Feel free to create it, and email it to me at jeannie_alvin@yahoo.com and Steve Beckow, at unity22@telus.net .
2. For persistent problems, we could say “problem, you are past, gone” and “Divine Presence, I am helpless, I am sending problem back to Source, and filling myself with Love and Light and a healed state. What I ask for myself I ask for the Collective Human Consciousness. Please examine me and send all this problem to Source, and fill me and the Collective with Love, Light and a healed state. “
3. For negative entities and energies, same as above.
4. Use this daily for any negativity you can think of in your life, your bodies, your relationships, your finances, everything that is not yet in perfection.
5. When noticing any negative thought, just say “Not now,” and send it Violet Flame.
6.When forwarding emails about challenges and wrongdoings, preface it with an intention or prayer to send all such negativity back to Source for yourself and the Collective. Send intentions, prayers or decrees to fill such negativity with the Violet Flame, an aspect of God’s Love and Light that transmutes negativity, leaving it whole and pure. Since it is God, it is so gentle that you could send it to a newborn. To understand Violet Flame in a nutshell, see the info at inetworld.net/lovesource book 7.
7. Ask God or Source to send Violet Flame to everything you can think of, over and over all day long, via prayer, intention or decree. If you name the prayer or decree, you can then ask God to recharge, which means do again, whatever you named it, all day long, over and over. So it becomes very easy. I have a list that God keeps, called my Decree List, and in that decree, I ask that it is recharged over and over all day. My Decree List contains my “I AM Devotional Service,” ( For a free copy, see the lovesource website above, or lulu.com/awakening for paperback of the service.) It also contains every positive decree I’ve created in years, including the ones that send Violet Flame to earthquake energies, weather control energies, and all harmful energies sent to the Earth and humanity, with the permission of the Higher Self of all people it is sent to.” So then, every morning, I simply say, “Dear God, please recharge my Decree List.”
8. Every time you notice negativity, such as smog, gasoline used as fuel, high gas prices, financial lack, drama and negative challenges in relationships, difficulty meditating or staying focused on the positive, visualize and intend the opposite: crystal clear skies, pure water for all beings, free energy, cars and buildings with free energy, everyone with plenty of money, everyone happy.
9. When outside in the sun, visualize little golden balls from the sun entering the crown of your head, and blessing your body with the golden light.
10. Meditate on Oneness. If you are not a meditator, make it easy for yourself. Do it as part of the most enjoyable moment early in the day, such as when you sit for your first cup of coffee or tea. You could say, “Dear God, I am thinking of Oneness now.”
11. Thank your KA body, your spiritual body that is identical to your physical body, for up to 10 minutes a day. Or moment by moment, when you remember.
12. Be in gratitude. This is a very high vibration, and will bring you more for which to be in gratitude.
13. Count your blessings, and thank Source for them.
14. Before sleep, place a large cobalt blue glass with 2 cups of water in it near your bed. Ask your angels and guides to transform it during the night for your highest good. Drink it as you awaken, and give thanks for your Divine drink. (google “cobalt blue glass” to see what color it is.)
15. Dedicate all thoughts, acts, feelings and results to Source for the day, as you awaken, and for the night, before sleep.
16. Before sleep, ask St. Germaine and Lord Arcturus to take you to their respective Temples and heal you of problems, and to take you to your next step spiritually.
17. Dedicate your food and drink to the Divine before eating or drinking.
18. Thank God that all beings have good food and drink all over the planet.
19. Thank God that the Golden Age came with ease and grace.
20. Thank God that the financial system transformed instead of collapsing, and that there is now abundance for all.
21. Thank God that all the Illuminati left our planet, and the vibration and interactions shifted to the positive smoothly with no interference.
22. Thank God that all soldiers all over the world engaged in rebuilding the areas where the former fights were, and assisted the locals, before returning home.
23. Thank God that all soldiers are now in their home countries, hard at work rebuilding homes, parks, bridges and roads, and assisting farmers. This is happening first for those who lost homes in the recent disasters, as well as for the poor.
24. Thank God that all countries now are so beautiful, that all people have homes and good pure food and drink.
25. Thank God that all animals are now treated with love and kindness and appreciation for their part in the Earth life.
26. Thank God that you are here at this time, helping in this great Shift.
27. Thank all the unseen helpers, your spirit guides, angels, and the Divine Presence for all the assistance, known or unknown, during your entire life.
28. Ask the unseen helpers for assistance on smoothing your path, and bringing you all blessings for your and others highest good.
29. Ask the Divine Presence to take command (means transmute) all negativity, all that is not safe, all that is not Love and Light, for you, your car, your pets, your children, your property, for the whole day.
30. Focus above your head about a foot, and be in gratitude to your Celestial Soul. Then talk to it, and ask for solutions to any problems.
31. Ask the Light behind the Light in the sun to enter your heart, and give you a 100% Light Quotient increase.
32. Ask the Light behind the Light in the sun to flow through your body, and down the Golden Cords from your feet and seat into Mother Earth, down, down into the crystal at her heart, and send this to Mother Earth through you all day long.
33. Intend that your heart is One with the heart of Mother Earth, Gaia, and feel that Oneness and connection in your heart.
34. Intend that your heart is also One with the heart of the sun, and feel that Oneness and connection in your heart.
35. Know that you are One with the Great Spirit that encompasses the entire universe.
36. Intend that you are One with the heart of the entire universe, and feel that connection in your heart.
37. Ask God three times out loud, for the neutral implant. Then for the implant for emotional balance. Then for the implant for safety. This will instantly raise your vibration, and make you a resident graduate! At any time, you now can ask for Peace, and you will have it.
38. Put sticky notes around your house and car and keys, that remind you to ask for Peace.
39. Ask for Peace from Source as many times a day as you can, and before sleep.
40. Don’t follow thoughts, most of them are repetitive and not helpful. Say “not now” to them. Read my short, four chapter book called “Awaken to Life, Better Than You Ever Dreamed,” from www.lulu.com/awakening
for many ways to be pulled into Oneness. Easy!!! (One of my gifts as an Arcturian walk-in is to synthesize much info and provide easy, simple solutions.)
41. Send “Awaken to Life, Better Than You Ever Dreamed,” from www.lulu.com/awakening to your unawakened friends not on the conscious spiritual path. The simple processes in it have been called “Secret Agents of God” by Adyashanti, an awakened master. It is written without reference to spirituality, and guides people who want to extend those moments of beauty in the important self inquiry that leads to Oneness, without ever saying so. The processes pull people into Oneness, again, without mentioning it. They’ll have their own realizations in their own vocabulary.
42. Say frequently, I AM in the 5th dimension (the heavenly world that we are shifting into).
43. Say “I AM in the 5th dimension. Hello, dear Self in the 5th dimension!
44. Make a list of affirmations, dreams and desires, in the present tense, with only positive words. For example, don’t say, “I am Not pain-free” , but I AM vibrantly healthy. Add the highest vibration, Source energy to it: “Thank You, God, I am now…”
45. Preface your affirmations with “Divine Presence, I, (your name), see and draw to me, with Divine Love, ….. your affirmation. This blesses all beings now. “
46. Send me a list of your affirmations to bless and empower several times a week, at jeannie_alvin@yahoo.com, put healings in subject of email.
47. Say ‘I intend on making this transition into the Golden Age with ease and grace. I send back to Source all that is not ease and grace for this transition.
48. Say “I AM living in my heart now, all day long. Divine Presence, I send to You all that is not that now, please examine me to send all of that back to You, and fill me with Love and Light and a healed heart.”
49. Say “I AM filled and surrounded with the White Light of Christ sustained all day/ night long, in a tube from my personalized I AM Presence that resides above me, connected by a silver cord.”
50. Say “I AM filled and surrounded with the Violet Transmuting Flame, sustained all day/ night long, transmuting all negativity in and around me and in my environment.”
51. Say “I AM filling my head and heart and upper body with a bubble of yellow Light, surrounded by a protective Golden Shield, stretching up above me to my personalized I AM Presence,” for clear communication with God all day long.
52. Say “I AM visualizing a pale silver six sided Oneness star in my forehead, moving into the center of my head and down my body, resting at the Earth chakra a foot beneath my feet. As I breathe, it begins to spin. I then send it sideways and it goes to the center of the Oneness grid, where it is charging up. I then bring it back to me, along with a cord connecting it to the Oneness grid, to the Earth chakra below my feet, where it opens up into a disk. I visualize it moving up through my body, blessing every chakra and spiritual gland and every particle of my being with Oneness. I visualize it stopping about a foot above my head, and a disk opening up from it. It now sends Oneness energies all day long to me, between this disk and the disk below my feet. I see it extending to a pale silver shield around my aura, sustained all day/night long.”
53. Say “I AM surrounding my aura with a mirrored shield sustained all day/night. Any beings not from the Light will only see themselves.”
54. Say “I AM surrounding my aura with a Golden Christ shield and a yellow Sun shield, inside the mirrored shield, sustained all day/night.”
55. Say “I AM asking all the Forces of Light to make strong my shields. Many thanks!”
56. Ask for a blessed shield of the energies of the avatars, and thank the avatars for this shield with gratitude and love.
57. Ask the Creator (Source), and your Divine I Am Presence to come together and reunite you with your sacred Soul Force.
58. When you see pictures of the Global Elite, or think of them, tell them, “your time is up, all your darkness leaves this universe now”, with love and compassion. 59. Declare that you are open only to contact with Beings of Light at any time, anywhere.
60. Each morning before you get up visualize drinking a Golden Liquid from a Golden Chalice. FEEL the Light that is infusing into your BEING as you do so. It will enhance your day greatly.
61. Ask to be motivated always by love. Send all that is not that to Source, and to be filled with Love, and a healed Self.
62. With any negative emotion arising, feel it, and imagine it growing larger and larger until it fills the universe. Release it to Source and ask for all like that to leave you and the Collective. Imagine being rinsed in a waterfall, and refreshed.
63. Remember that you are a part of The One. You are a powerful creator being and what you experience around you is a reflection of what is within you. Seek then to create inside yourself that which you wish to experience around you. Create oneness within yourself if you would create oneness outside of yourself.
64. Affirm that you are in your right location now. Imagine that there is a circle around you, and that is where you are, for your highest good. Ask God to be strongly pulled to your right place for the Shift, with the transition smoothed, and all resources provided.
65. Ask the Higher Selves of your loved ones to assist them into Oneness and the transition with ease and grace.
66. Feel and taste each bite you eat, each sip you drink. Be in gratitude.
67. Be in gratitude to Mother Earth. After learning to compost, I saw that the waste veggie and fruits actually turn back into soil! Realize that everything you eat came from Mother Earth, that your bodies came from what you and your mother ate when forming you, so you are made of earth, and be in gratitude to Mother Earth. Every object that you see originally came from Mother Earth. Be in gratitude to her.
68. Ask your guides and angels to balance, open and align your chakras. Chakra means “spinning wheel” in Sanscrit. These energy centers are part of your birthright to be all you can be on Earth. Activating and focusing on them daily will help every aspect of your life.
69. Om on your chakras daily. Up and down them. From once only if little time, up to 9 times on each chakra. This will assist you in every area of your life, as the chakras are where spiritual energies enter to assist in all of life on earth.
70. Visualize all of your chakras full of sparkling Golden Christ (clear) energies.
71. Visualize all of your bodies full of sparkling Golden Christ (clear) energies.
72. Ask for full enlightenment in this lifetime.
73. Ask for God realization/ Self realization in this lifetime.
74. Intend to embody the highest you can for your soul growth in this lifetime.
75. Intend that all your actions and interactions are for the highest good of all beings.
76. Learn to ask God, Source, questions. Very easy. Say “Dear God, I wish to clearly feel yesses and nos from You.” Then say, “Dear God, am I (then say your name)” ? Notice what you feel. Clue, notice the area around your heart. Then ask, “Dear God, am I (George Bush, or some name that is not you)?” and notice what you feel. Clue, notice your stomach area. Now you can ask God questions all day long! The answer, literally, is in the feeling in your heart or your gut!!! Practice!!! Easy!!!
77. Ask God, Is this food good for me?
78. Ask God, Is this relationship for my highest good?
79. Ask God, Is living here for my highest good?
80. Ask God, Is this work/ task for my highest good?
81. Ask God, Is (fill in the blanks with anything you can think of) for my highest good?
82. Learn to receive God’s/ angels/ guides/ soul’s answers. Easy. After meditating, get a notebook and pen, write down the date. Now put the pen in your other hand. Now your mind will be bypassed. Declare that you are only open to the pure Love and Light. Ask God/ your guru/ your angel/ your master guide/ your soul for a message for your highest good. Write whatever comes, practice non-censoring, receiving openly. Give thanks!
83. Slow down, smell the roses!
84. Retreat for a slow two hours with me on web tv every Sunday at 8am PDT, for spiritual growth to become all we can be, for Oneness, for miraculous healings and profound energies. We will slowly meditate. Go to
www.livestream.com/ready4changeilluminehealgrow a few minutes ahead of time. If there ever were to be a disruption in internet service, the energies will still be sent. You would only need to pray or intend to be connected to the event.
85. Make an enormous healing list to use during the healings on the webtv event, for you, loved ones, pets, all of those in the spirit world, all beings on earth, Mother Earth, all political figures, all inventors, that the banking transition into abundance for all with ease and grace and smoothly, that the Golden Age comes with ease and grace, for all beings who suffer, all beings whom the Divine wishes to heal, that your home be filled with Love and Light, etc, etc. etc. You will receive special blessings for all on your prayers.
86. Invite people over to join you for the Sunday web event. The more people, the more energies. The energies, deekshas, are God or guru as it is to each one. This will be a service for Light, as each person’s healings and prayers will be not only for them, but for all beings with that same issue globally that God wishes to heal. You will receive special blessings for creating this event.
87. Have a potluck after the event, and have everyone say intentions for their and the collectives’ highest good. Each person could say, after anyone states an intention, “I intend that for you for the highest good, and for the Collective Human Consciousness.”
88. Email me your healing list for you, your pets, your loved ones, at jeannie_alvin@yahoo.com with “Healing” in the subject. I will add it to my healing list and frequently send healings. Miracles are frequent. Many lightworkers are poor, donations are welcome but optional, at paypal.com, using my email address. All donations, large or small, are appreciated, to support this work. If you cannot send money, please support my web tv and books, by inviting all you can via email and notes around town and any other way you can. And by forwarding this message to all you can. This will bless us all, and add to the Light and healing for this Shift!
89. Use my clearing process that came from a 2 ½ week time of Oneness. It is a partnership prayer, or process, that God and you do together all day long, as you go about your daily life. Actually, God does all the work, you do nothing but create and name the process, and notice what you are feeling during the day.
Jeannie / Nadhashree’s Clearing Process
The Cause, Core, Record and Effect Process/ Partnership Prayer/ Game
This process is so simple, I often call it a game. For those who use prayers, this partnership prayer process is similar; use the term as you would to pray, such as Jesus or God or Allah. For the scientifically minded who don’t pray, you could use a term that fits for you. You know you have more than your conscious mind, so you might use the term Greater Mind or Greater Self, or Universal Intelligence, or Cosmic Consciousness, or The Force.
Then, notice in the area of your heart, then sincerely speak the rest of the process, partnership prayer, or game, if you prefer calling it a game. You will name each process, a wonderful shortcut. I suggest naming it something simple or neutral or positive. For example, to heal lung trouble, you might call it “breathing freely,” to heal an upset with another person, you could use that person’s name.
Once you name it, you do not need to ever repeat the upper portion. You simply use your term “Dear Greater Self, or Dear God, let’s do our “X” process / play our “X” game, putting in the name you chose. Your part is to notice the physical sensations in your body, that is all. Many troubles clear this way.
The discovery that our troubles can clear away by noticing our physical sensations, and that we can call them forth, which we do with these games/processes/prayers, is a discovery I share in my book This book is called Awaken to Life! Better Than You Ever Dreamed!, and is available at www.lulu.com/awakening.
The next day, or a year later, you only need to say, “Dear Greater Self, or Dear God, let’s play our “X” game, or let’s do our “X” prayer and that Greater Self, or God, will have remembered the whole process.
For the miracle healing process, you can begin at any time by creating one of these processes or “games” for yourself for anything you want healed. I suggest playing the game daily for that condition until it is totally healed. You can create and play more than one game at a time. People find this process very, very powerful on its own.
Dear _(God, Greater Self, or your term)__ , please heal the cause, core, record and effect of __any negativity or condition__ (say as little or as much as you wish as you describe the problem)
from my subconscious, my unconscious, and my conscious minds, from all my bodies and chakras, from this life and all lives, including parallel lives, everything known and unknown, all vows, decisions and beliefs, illumine me from all denials, heal the cellular memories of all negativity and pain from all points of entry. Heal all people, all dimensions, times and spaces. Please bring back all soul fragments, remove negative cords, clear chakra links, curses, spells, miasms, and negative thought forms, and please let me feel the related sensations in my physical body. Please forgive me and all others for everything related to this. I forgive myself and all others for everything related to this. I am naming this our __________ game.
Now, _(God, Greater Self, or your term)_ , let's do/play our _(the name you gave)_ process/game (all day long). Now notice your sensations.
From Awaken to Life! Better Than You Ever Dreamed! c. 2004 Jeannie Alvin available at www.lulu.com/awakening
90. You keep a list of process/ prayer names, and every morning ask God to do them. Feedback is that this is the most powerful process people have done.
91. Come to Panama, to my Little House on the Prairie, for a silent retreat. We will do many healings, Oneness Blessings, and design in it anything you and/ or the group wants. We will include my 2 day event where you ask God (your choice of holy figures, or the formless) to be your parent, to redo difficult aspects of your childhood with God as your new parent!!! This event has been blessed by the avatar, Amma Bhagavan. See “Jeannie’s Events” at www.lulu.com/awakening. We’ll use techniques from my channeled healing book, “Heart to Heart Healing,” on that same website. Many times the entire group goes into a deep state of Oneness. Everyone will chose a chore for each day, from cooking to cleaning to gardening to ??? whatever you enjoy. It will be a “come as you are, whenever you can come” retreat. You come when you can, stay as long as you wish. Email me at jeannie_alvin@yahoo.com for prices, questions, details.
92. Be in gratitude that we came as souls to assist in this great Shift!
93. Be in gratitude that you can grow spiritually so quickly now. We can grow in a month what may have taken lifetimes before!
94. Share your truths when there appears to be receptivity.
95. Dedicate your life to God.
96. Dedicate your body to God.
97. Dedicate this great Shift to God.
98. Dedicate your soul’s part in this Shift to God.
99. Re-post and forward this to as many people and sites as possible. Together we will quickly Shift our world!
100. If you believe it, good must come out of all negativity. This is a little known spiritual law. The story of Pollyanna portrays her use of this law! Say, “Dear God, I know you said that good will come out of this (describe it) negativity. Thank You, God.”
101. Know that the world is your mirror!!! Trying to solve problems in the outer world is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror!!! Better send the perceived outer negativity back to Source, and say, “Dear God, those problems seem to be in the outer. I send back to Source those problems in the outer, and everything they represent in my inner self. Please fill the spaces with Love and Light and Healed states.
102. Know that all people and creatures that you speak to represent an expression of your subconscious mind. They are God, embodied as an aspect of you, so that you can see and experience how you are!!! Gulp!!! And Wow!!
103. Know that all people and creatures in the world that you do not personally speak to are embodiments of your unconscious mind!!!
104. Remember to take time to rest. Take a bath, a walk, play some soothing music. Remember to eat well, even though you might want to reach for the comfort food that is not so good on your body. Avoid garlic and onions, they are anti-biotic/anti-life, and keep the two sides of your brain separate!! How the naughty ones got this in all cultures big time!!!
105. Dedicate your food to God, and thank God that all beings on Earth have good, pure food and drink now.
106. Thank all animals that are part of the food chain for their sacrifice, and send them blessings, Violet Flame, and healing prayers.
107. Bless everything as often as you can, the good, the bad and the ugly. With your blessings, the negatives will ease.
108. Love yourself, you are a part of God. Mistakes are part of the Earth experience. Sin, in Aramaic, the language that Jesus the Christ spoke, means only missing the target, try again!!! Look in the mirror, and say, “I AM a part of God, and I love myself!. “
Blessings and Love and Light and Oneness and Ease and Grace,
Jeannie / Nadhashree
www.lulu.com/awakening books
http://2012andbeyondliftoff.blogspot.com/ Go for the Gold...en Age!
www.livestream.com/ready4changeilluminehealgrow Sundays 8am PDT
Thanks to Inelia, Sheldon, Marlene, Blossom, Tom Kenyon, Lee Carrol, Aluna Joy, www.reconnections.com, the many channelers and my own inner guidance for these ideas and practices!
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