An Expanding Perception of Oneness
by Jeannie Alvin / Nadhashree
Dear friends,
I looked in the mirror last night, and saw the Life and Awareness expressing through the eyes. I smiled as I became aware that the Life and Awareness that I see, is the same Life and Awareness that I see when I look in your eyes, or in the eyes of any living creature. I felt joy and then, as I took deep and then deeper breaths, I felt more joy, as I realized that I am looking at God.
It is the Life and Awareness of the One Spirit inhabiting all of us. What that means to me is that I am looking at God when I see that Life and Awareness. Me, in the mirror, God. You, or anyone or any creature I see, God.
My dear friends, go look in the mirror! See the Life and Awareness expressing there, know that you are looking at your True Self, at God.
Now I understand why the Enlightened Ones say to us when they see us that they are looking at themselves, that there is no other.
Imagine, for a moment, that you are this One Great Spirit, the Spirit of All That Is, entering your small body at the moment of your birth. This Great Spirit, that is as big as the entire universe, is taking birth in your newborn body.
Prior to being taught that you are John, or Lynn Marie, or Naomi, or Cathy, or Steve, you did not identify with the body. Imagine that you knew yourself as that One Great Spirit.
And then, as a baby, then a toddler, then a small child, you were taught that you were John, or Lynn Marie, or Naomi, or Cathy, or SuZen, or Steve, or whatever your body’s name is!!! So you began to identify yourself only as the body, not as this Great Spirit.
Dear friends, we began this life as Oneness, and to that Awareness we are returning. Now, conscious of ourselves as John, or Lynn Marie, or Naomi, or Cathy, or SuZen, or Steve, or whatever your name is, remember! I suggest you meditate on this frequently during the day!
Every day as I wake up, I make myself that first cup of coffee. Then, I sit with my coffee and say, “I am now thinking of Oneness.” A great stillness comes from within, and a beautiful expansive feeling arises.
At night, I love to read a spiritual book for a few minutes before sleep. I am now replacing this habit with another time of focusing on Oneness, even if it is just a few minutes, thinking about and deepening into Oneness.
I am feeling such gratitude to be here on Earth with you all and Mother Earth, assisting in this grand transformation. I have an ever growing sense of the Oneness of all of us, Mother Earth, and the entire universe. The universe and Mother Earth and all the galaxies and the stars are all alive, created and then embodied by the Great Spirit, the only Spirit, God, or whatever your term is for the Source of All Life.
We are all One, One with the living Earth, One with the living Universe, and One with All of Humanity, and One with all beings. If all beings come from the One Source, and we are That, then how can we not be One with all that exists, the Light, the Dark, the Highest, the Lowest?
If we have any doubt, we can look in the mirror, and see the Life and Awareness there. Then we can contemplate that the same Life and Awareness is visible in all beings, those we consider of the Light, and those we consider to be the Dark. One. One. Only One.
We are That One, with no one and nothing left out. We are That.
Many divine beings are on Earth now to assist us in awakening to Oneness. One of these available in person in the US is Amma Chi, another is Karunamayi, another is Inelia Benz.
Nadhashree is my spiritual name, given to me by my spiritual mother, the great Saint from India, Amma Chi. See more about her at Many people believe that Amma Chi is an avatar, another one of those divine beings that came directly from God taking on a body to assist us. She is now touring the US. I encourage you to find her, and get a hug!!!
As well as basking in her presence, you will have the opportunity to have an experience of India, without the expensive plane ticket or the 24 hour plane trip, or the extreme heat of India. You will hear Indian devotional songs, called bhajans, that will open your devotional heart, even if you don’t understand the words. Your heart will understand!
And you can shop and purchase wonderful gifts from India, eat Indian food in the cafes that are set up, and have a fabulous, out of this world, experience!
I also encourage you to find Karunamayi’s US tour schedule, at
. She is another divine being whose very presence is uplifting. You get to ask her one question, and she speaks English, and will personally answer you. She also offers homas, or sacred fire ceremonies. This is another fabulous experience that is rare outside of India. Sri Bhagavan Kalki says that if we could see the spiritual science behind the homas, the fire ceremonies, we would see that they are very advanced science!
Much negativity is released in the fire ceremonies. Rice and spices, etc., are put in the fire to symbolize a giving, and then later, we receive cleansings.
You can hear her sweet, pure voice on this youtube interview with her, at
This is a great youtube page, you’ll also see videos of Amma Chi being interviewed on CNN on the sidebar links!
You will deepen into the space of Oneness as you watch these videos. Amma Karunamayi begins, after a short chant, by saying that we are all One! Just the focus of this message! Such serendipity that this comes up now, as I google it! Enjoy!
And I must mention Inelia Benz, another being directly from the divine, as she says in her interview on that page. Her home page is at and her simple, very effective tools to solve all problems is at
I suggest first using her tools to clear problems, as you’ll learn them in a minute! After using them for about a week, I find myself in joy and happiness for no reason! She also has a download to connect with the Spirit of Money! Who knew that it is an actual Spirit, a being, that loves us, and is an embodiment of warmth and nurture!
Her articles on the sidebar links are fresh, simple and brilliant. I read ideas that are totally new, yet resonate to the core of my being. She is all about Oneness as well!
Love and blessings and growing Oneness, Jeannie Alvin / Nadhashree books 9 free books Sundays 8am PDT Join me on webtv to meditate together, and then receive pure Source energies, Oneness Blessings to grow spiritually, deepen into Oneness, and heal. I suggest that each of you make a huge global and personal prayer list, as the more people online, and the more prayers, the more energies come! Miracles of healing are frequent!!! You could invite all your friends over, and experience this as a group!!!
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