The latest from Ruth Ryden
From: [mailto:]On Behalf Of Ruth Ryden
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 7:42 AM
Summer is heavy upon us, with the joy of the outdoors and the warmth of the Sun, but also the storms, fires, and floods. My heart goes out to the many people who have lost homes and treasured possessions. In my area of Arizona, we have been spared so far. The Forest Service has cleared the forests near us of underbrush, and overnight camping and campfires in our forest have been severely limited. We are sincerely grateful! Payson is still a limited employment area, but family members are doing a little better, although the prospects for employment this winter do look pretty glum so far. A round of intestinal viral flu hit a lot of us after a large family get-together – doctors said not from food. ?? That was fun. Do be careful of the onions, though, trash them when they get soft! Take care of yourselves, keep close watch on the weather forecasts, and move if you have to! I care about our readers – you are my spiritual family. Let me know if you have been caught in a bad situation.
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Masters, what do you see in July for the world? Flooding in areas where snowpacks have been extremely heavy this winter is a given, of course, and expected, but what about melt from glaciers all over the world – will we be seeing the result from this causing rising sea levels and continental rivers overflowing? News now of nuclear power plants being inundated by Missouri flood waters in Nebraska and storage vaults of nuclear waste in danger of fires in New Mexico; do you see either of these situations causing a disaster in any of our plants in the U.S. causing radiation fallout? The hurricane season is also on the horizon for the Eastern U.S. and Caribbean. Any indication of a really bad hit in Florida or along the East Coast this month? Hearing of cyclones in the Southern seas – will they be really bad again this year? Not much in the news regarding earthquakes or volcanic eruptions ; hopefully this will hold true in July? As the seasons change, so do the emotions of humanity slide up and down; will the Arab nations continue to try and change their governments despite the high loss of life? So many challenges now. Thank you for your insights and guidance.
MASTERS: “The spiritual watchers and guides of humanity are closer now than in many millennia as the frequencies surrounding the planet and the solar system continue to become stronger. The movements in the earth and its atmosphere are continuing to cause the anomalies in the seasons and weather conditions. The earth’s core reacts to this by heating up slightly and by very small shifts, like a huge ball being nudged by the outer movements.
This also contributes to the shifting of the continental plates being observed now. Japan’s miseries are not over yet – the underlying base mountains of the islands are very unstable at this time, and the radiation is very serious. Shifting continues in the plates in the Arctic regions, causing ice floes to melt and break up unexpectedly. This affects the temperatures of glaciers at all higher elevations and melting waters will indeed cause some rise in seas and flood low-lying areas around the northern parts of the world. Earthquakes are on the increase all over the world as the plates seek to settle in new configurations, and this is a natural and on-going part of nature. We are only seeing huge quakes in South America at this time, but as the earth “shrugs”, tremors will be felt in many places. Iceland will continue to experience volcanic eruptions as this volcanic ridge is undergoing drastic changes deep below.
As to the nuclear plants in the U.S. under siege at this time, the Nebraska plant will have to deal with flood waters seeping beyond the protective walls, but the situation is being understood and should not have any serious leakage of radiation. The larger problem is the waste in New Mexico; we do see the fires causing a break in a few of the containers and some radiation in the area will be acknowledged in July. Be very careful to keep on top of this.
Because of the increased frequencies hitting your atmosphere, the storms that you call hurricanes and cyclones around the world are reacting in unprincipled ways. What is expected will dwindle out, and sudden whirling winds will strike quickly without too much warning. Forecasters are watching this phenomenon very closely and are aware of sudden changes. The southern seas around the islands and Asia are very full of energy and whip up into huge waves very easily. As to the East Coast of the U.S., it would be wise to move inland very quickly when the forecasters put out an alert for a hurricane. Florida and the Keys are on the outskirts of a huge mass of atmospheric energy that could hit very quickly and forcibly.
July is a beautiful month, but also a very dangerous one weather-wise. Boating along the east coasts of the U.S. is not wise this month. Europe and Asia will be experiencing strong storms also, especially in areas where quakes and volcanoes have been moving for centuries. The energy moving through the earth affects all areas where there are old cracks and continental movements – everything on your planet is in motion. Be aware of where you are and what you need to do if you feel a movement. Unless you are new to an area, you know what to do or not to do. Awareness of your surroundings now is very important.
The high temperatures you are experiencing across the U.S. will continue to come and go, a bit higher than normal as the atmosphere dances all over the place. Europe will also be sweating this month, even in higher elevations. Enjoy the summer, but be, again, watchful. The Sun’s rays are stronger than ever now; protect your skin and keep children covered as much as you can. Important now to eat more vegetables and fruit – your systems need them. We are there for you; call on us for help and for the inner guidance that is always within you..”
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Dear Readers: The Masters have guided me to re-print these most important articles first given to me and printed in the 1995 & 1996 issues of the Newsletter I was publishing at that time. The articles have been copied and shared internationally for a long time, but since we have so many new readers, it is time to share this spiritual secret with you again. As these coming difficult years are upon us now, this teaching is even more important than ever. Ruth.
The Father of all has set all events upon your planet to take place at set times. Within this framework, humankind has had Free Will to experience life as they wished. Wars have erupted over religious points of view, as well as from greed. Nevertheless, God’s Plan for His creation is still on target, and humankind is working with that Plan as it becomes more and more apparent.
The time has come that the Children of God become able to change all of the negative factors that rule your societies and create a better world. When human beings inherit the full power to heal themselves of physical and mental ailments, the dark forces who act as the second part of the God-created duality on your world will loose their dominion over humanity by controlling their physical beings and mental egos. Even if there is a population of those who have less food or money than they need, the threat of physical illness or starvation will have been dissolved, worry and resentment will fade away as perfect health presents the better incentive to find other ways and places to live in more desirable situations.
Wars will become obsolete as humankind rejects the concept of harming others, from the utter futility of it. This will not erase greed, of course, for the desire to “have it all” will increase in the young. As the population grows older, however, the realization that gathering “things” has no real meaning. Men and women will live longer, of course, and some will choose at first to live “forever”. As time wears on and intellect increases, it will become clear that this small orb in space has serious limitations and the yearning to return “home” will send the immortals fleeing back to the Love and Peace of the spiritual kingdom.
We are instructed to give you now the Secret of Healing. This knowledge will be ignored for a time, for the achievement of using the knowledge properly is not easy. The seed is here planted and those who persevere will be the first of the new race of humankind to live unfettered by illness or mental problems. Keep these papers, copy them and share them with others, and either you or someone you know will realize the necessity of opening the consciousness to the re-creation of the body and mind.
There is within you, deeply hidden, the ability to heal your own body from any illness, injury or ailment. Within your body is a specific enzyme that carries the perfect pattern for the body. When it is activated, the enzyme starts broadcasting directions to all cells of the body, directing damaged cells to be replaced, diseased cells to heal, distortions in cells to be re-shaped into perfection. The bodies you have been given are self-perpetuating organisms which can be directed by the conscious mind, as they have always been directed from the subconscious mind.
Immortality seems to be a wonderful goal, and it is possible to attain. But remember, you must realize that spiritual life is restricted enormously by remaining in the physical plane. Until you have experienced the soaring, wonderful spiritual love and beingness during deep meditation, you will not understand this. The spiritual being you really are enters into the physical body only to experience the challenges of density, continuing to rise in knowledge until it is ready to return to the Creator in complete fullness of consciousness; the excess time that the body remains in the third dimension only delays this process.
However, there is no need to live in physical misery while you are embodied. There are many healers today who have the conscious knowledge of the healing process and, when they lay their hands on others to heal, are in truth activating the “Healing Enzyme” in the body of the other, giving it the go-ahead to start the healing process. The healer calls for energy from God; the energy enters the body of the one seeking help, providing a jump-start for the enzyme, and the healing is commenced. This is the way Jesus, the Christ, healed when walking the Earth. Is it a miracle? No, it is finally using what the Creator has provided for His children. Having knowledge of such a process is the starting point in your own healing.
There are cases where this cluster of nerves has been so damaged that production of the enzyme is impossible because of the injury. Otherwise, the cells are well protected and lie dormant until activated.
During meditation, the focus of the mind must be transferred to that area of the brain and a direct command is to be given for the enzyme to come forth and be fully active in the body.. You will feel not only a tingling at that spot, but a sharp pain as the energy it contains explodes into life. Do not be alarmed, just relax and let it be.
From then on, when you have need of physical healing, simply direct the enzyme with your conscious mind to take care of it. Focus your attention upon the afflicted part of your body and command that it be healed. Simple as that? Yes, but it will take time and practice to be really effective. Using the command regularly while in a light meditative state will be of great help, keeping this influence in your body activated. If the effectiveness of the enzyme seems to fail, this procedure may be repeated as often as necessary.
To the extent that an individual’s conscious thoughts are in balance enough to recognize that mental problems exist, directing personal healing for the mind will be accomplished in the same manner. Deep sorrows, hatreds that cannot be controlled by the mind, depression, etc., can be gently dissipated with the Healing Enzyme. In many cases, this kind of healing will need to be done by another who is proficient in activating the enzyme. A diseased mind cannot activate or control the Healing Enzyme.
Can torn flesh be healed in this way? Yes, it can. This is the way “miracle” healings are accomplished. Broken bones and tortured flesh will come together and be made whole. This is the secret that humankind has been waiting for.
You have always been in full command of your own bodies and your own lives; humanity has just started to understand this reality. In the times to come, there will be no need for physicians as you and your descendants learn to take care of your own physical needs, although there will always be the need of one person for another, to share love and energy. When a person is seriously hurt and cannot command his/her body, another person can always intercede and activate the Healing Enzyme. Human beings will always need each other as they need the very Light of the Father of Creation around them at all times.
If the request is denied for any reason, you will feel an almost solid wall come between you and the one you are trying to help heal, and any energy you try to transmit will be turned back. The spiritual Higher Self of each human being has full and Free Will, always, and many are they who have determined before human birth to exit the world at a certain time or for specific reasons, or to suffer physical pain or disabilities, even if the conscious mind is unaware of that purpose.
Use the knowledge of the Healing Enzyme with yourself first. Train yourself in its use; see and understand what happens in your own body as you finally achieve the activation. When you feel you are in full control of this process, then, and only then, should you try to help others in this way.
You have a saying, “A little knowledge can be dangerous”. It can be dangerous, in this instance, by giving another person a great degree of hope that may become a disappointment if the process is not handled properly. Unless the mind is vibrating at the highest level of the third dimension or the lower levels of the fourth dimension, the enzyme will not activate in the proper frequency, becoming, not dangerous, but simply ineffective. This is why it is important to take time to reach the right vibration of the consciousness during meditation to be able to activate the enzyme. A healer has a great responsibility when sending energy to another, both physically and emotionally, and healing should not be attempted, whether by this modality, or any other, unless the healer is well prepared.
Use this knowledge within the Light of God. Use it with love for yourself and for others; use it because the time has come for you to do so.”
(A year later, there was a follow-up message given, which I also share here.)
As the mind accepts the concept that there is an actual place in the brain that can be activated to send healing powers through the body, the desire to probe into the depths of your own minds becomes very powerful. There must first be an intense desire to use meditation in a way never before dreamed of, to access that healing ability for oneself and for others. As has been said, it is not a simple sitting down, meditating and finding that source of healing in an evening. This meditation must utilize your own conscious mind, even though it is stilled for that period of time you are in the silence, your spiritual self that you are reaching out to access, and the subconscious mind, for it is waiting to receive the signal of the activation of the Healing Enzyme Center so it may program that response to serve your calls to action.
You will know when you have achieved this feat of activation when you suddenly feel a sharp pain starting from the base of the skull and reaching through the head to the front of the forehead (third eye) position between your eyebrows. It will last but a few seconds, longer in some people if they resist the pain, then it will subside – never to be felt again. This also signals the subconscious to program this ability into your base memory. From now on, all you need to do is to visualize an area to be healed as being in perfect health, brimming with vitality. It is no miracle; it is the coming of age of the human race. The energy activating the Enzyme is the Energy of Creation.
God Bless you all on your quest!
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