Lauren Gorgo: Arrival of the Universal Timekeepers
2011 June 13
Arrival of the Universal Timekeepers
The Pleiadian High Council through Lauren Gorgo, Galactic Times, March 14, 2010, great shift in perception, precipitated by recent global events, has created an opening for a new wave of energy to permeate the planet and by which a new group of enlightened souls can now be born into it.
This has great and timely ramifications for the planet and her people, for these souls are the gatekeepers of ascended consciousness. They are the universal timekeepers of new earth and hold the frequency of exoneration for all who are aligned with the new ways of being and existing.
Essentially, this means that the energy of freedom…the kinship with grace…is now wholly available in and around your sphere and holds the fluid field of potential for the bio-energetic ascension of the human form.
Biological Ascension
Those who are activated and aligned with 5th dimensional frequencies and higher are settling into position, preparing on a cellular level to transcend the limitations of earthly form. The cells of the human body, which are mostly water, contain the genetic blueprint for biological ascension. This blueprint is activated when enough of the cell mass is bathed in the light of higher consciousness and the energy vortices have opened sufficiently enough to sustain it.
For those who have adequately increased their light quotient by eliminating fear, this will be a time of transference. What we mean by this is you will be transferring your carbon-based blueprint to the ascended crystalline blueprint necessary to hold and contain the higher dimensional frequencies that you are now operating within.
This moment of transference is one by which the physical body will adapt to in order to upgrade to the workings of the new human form. For those in the process of this biological restructuring, we understand that it is rather taxing on the body to make the changeover, however, there is much more to this than meets the eye.
From a deeper, energetic perspective, what is happening is quite miraculous, for each of you are changing over to an entirely new way of existing and operating within the multidimensional matrix of your holographic realities and points of perception. This new operating system will offer you the ability to do many wondrous and seemingly miraculous things, those which will also be present in the high vibrational children being born on the planet this day and onward.
Birthing, Raising & Teaching the New Children
The purpose of your awakening is not only to clear the way for humanity to follow in the footsteps of the great harbingers of peace, but to be and represent the future of the earth as physical guides to lead the new children who call for you.
The physical activation for those hosts who will be birthing, raising, and/or teaching the advanced souls from this new ray of light will be recognizing an increasing desire for, and connection to, children. This increasing desire marks the clarion call for all those with contracts to care for and protect these precious and openly loving children from the harsh ways of the old dismantling world. In some cases you, the guardians, will introduce these fully connected beings into physical existence on the earthly realm for the first time.
This is not only a great honor given exclusively to those who have earned the level of spiritual maturity to guide these masterful souls, but a great responsibility as well, for their gifts of the future must be well honed and protected from outside influences of negativity and fear. Those with activated contracts to care for these children will intuitively feel a fierce sense of guardianship over these souls, and this is for good reason.
The vibration of earth has risen sufficiently enough for these souls, teachers, and parents-to-be, and you who will be guardians are now safely at the dimensional border waiting at the gate of ascended consciousness to welcome more of your soul family to the earth. This is a joyous time of great celebration, not only for the caretakers of these new children of light, but for the entire human family. These children bring with them many enlightened gifts for the evolution of earth and humanity…rejoice in your accomplishments dear way showers!
The Wisdom Keepers
Furthermore, we would like to make it known that those who have increased their vibration to the advanced level and crystalline bio-circuitry have reached a planetary activation level which was the result of the first and second waves of light who incarnated to clear the grids and to anchor and carry the 5th dimensional frequencies. This planetary activation made possible by this group of souls warrants a true celebration, for it will be because of you that these new children, and thereby the new frequencies, are available to all.
For this great feat of accomplishment, the first wave warriors of light will retire and move up to maintain the collective consciousness as the wisdom keepers. This group has seeded and sealed the planet with light, maintained their soul integrity through great hardships and now that critical mass has been achieved, these masters in disguise will be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are.
At last, those with their soul lights turned on will no longer fear extinguishment in the face of great darkness and resistance to truth.
And finally we would like to make clear that the arrival at biological ascension is something of great magnitude. For those who have followed their inner guidance to this moment, you are the way and the light. There are no words to define your experience, no words to fill the amount of gratitude that is held for each of you by the keepers of light. We would like to extend our heartfelt love and thankfulness for your selfless dedication and service to the One, and we look forward to rejoicing with each of you in the fulfilling lives you are soon to lead.
Indeed, blessings and virtue follow great honor.
Until next time, we are the Pleiadian High Council, bidding you farewell and good tidings.
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