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Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to BE in the 30 hours of darkness in the Great Shift

Drunvalo and Little Grandmother speak  of the wisdom of the Mayas, who have survived prior pole shifts.   They suggest meditating daily, and learning to be in our hearts.

Summer 2011 predictions, activate Healing Enzyme

The latest from Ruth Ryden


From: [mailto:]On Behalf Of Ruth Ryden
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 7:42 AM


Summer is heavy upon us, with the joy of the outdoors and the warmth of the Sun, but also the storms, fires, and floods. My heart goes out to the many people who have lost homes and treasured possessions. In my area of Arizona, we have been spared so far. The Forest Service has cleared the forests near us of underbrush, and overnight camping and campfires in our forest have been severely limited. We are sincerely grateful! Payson is still a limited employment area, but family members are doing a little better, although the prospects for employment this winter do look pretty glum so far. A round of intestinal viral flu hit a lot of us after a large family get-together – doctors said not from food. ?? That was fun. Do be careful of the onions, though, trash them when they get soft! Take care of yourselves, keep close watch on the weather forecasts, and move if you have to! I care about our readers – you are my spiritual family. Let me know if you have been caught in a bad situation.
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Masters, what do you see in July for the world? Flooding in areas where snowpacks have been extremely heavy this winter is a given, of course, and expected, but what about melt from glaciers all over the world – will we be seeing the result from this causing rising sea levels and continental rivers overflowing? News now of nuclear power plants being inundated by Missouri flood waters in Nebraska and storage vaults of nuclear waste in danger of fires in New Mexico; do you see either of these situations causing a disaster in any of our plants in the U.S. causing radiation fallout? The hurricane season is also on the horizon for the Eastern U.S. and Caribbean. Any indication of a really bad hit in Florida or along the East Coast this month? Hearing of cyclones in the Southern seas – will they be really bad again this year? Not much in the news regarding earthquakes or volcanic eruptions ; hopefully this will hold true in July? As the seasons change, so do the emotions of humanity slide up and down; will the Arab nations continue to try and change their governments despite the high loss of life? So many challenges now. Thank you for your insights and guidance.

MASTERS: “The spiritual watchers and guides of humanity are closer now than in many millennia as the frequencies surrounding the planet and the solar system continue to become stronger. The movements in the earth and its atmosphere are continuing to cause the anomalies in the seasons and weather conditions. The earth’s core reacts to this by heating up slightly and by very small shifts, like a huge ball being nudged by the outer movements.

This also contributes to the shifting of the continental plates being observed now. Japan’s miseries are not over yet – the underlying base mountains of the islands are very unstable at this time, and the radiation is very serious. Shifting continues in the plates in the Arctic regions, causing ice floes to melt and break up unexpectedly. This affects the temperatures of glaciers at all higher elevations and melting waters will indeed cause some rise in seas and flood low-lying areas around the northern parts of the world. Earthquakes are on the increase all over the world as the plates seek to settle in new configurations, and this is a natural and on-going part of nature. We are only seeing huge quakes in South America at this time, but as the earth “shrugs”, tremors will be felt in many places. Iceland will continue to experience volcanic eruptions as this volcanic ridge is undergoing drastic changes deep below.

As to the nuclear plants in the U.S. under siege at this time, the Nebraska plant will have to deal with flood waters seeping beyond the protective walls, but the situation is being understood and should not have any serious leakage of radiation. The larger problem is the waste in New Mexico; we do see the fires causing a break in a few of the containers and some radiation in the area will be acknowledged in July. Be very careful to keep on top of this.

Because of the increased frequencies hitting your atmosphere, the storms that you call hurricanes and cyclones around the world are reacting in unprincipled ways. What is expected will dwindle out, and sudden whirling winds will strike quickly without too much warning. Forecasters are watching this phenomenon very closely and are aware of sudden changes. The southern seas around the islands and Asia are very full of energy and whip up into huge waves very easily. As to the East Coast of the U.S., it would be wise to move inland very quickly when the forecasters put out an alert for a hurricane. Florida and the Keys are on the outskirts of a huge mass of atmospheric energy that could hit very quickly and forcibly.

July is a beautiful month, but also a very dangerous one weather-wise. Boating along the east coasts of the U.S. is not wise this month. Europe and Asia will be experiencing strong storms also, especially in areas where quakes and volcanoes have been moving for centuries. The energy moving through the earth affects all areas where there are old cracks and continental movements – everything on your planet is in motion. Be aware of where you are and what you need to do if you feel a movement. Unless you are new to an area, you know what to do or not to do. Awareness of your surroundings now is very important.

The high temperatures you are experiencing across the U.S. will continue to come and go, a bit higher than normal as the atmosphere dances all over the place. Europe will also be sweating this month, even in higher elevations. Enjoy the summer, but be, again, watchful. The Sun’s rays are stronger than ever now; protect your skin and keep children covered as much as you can. Important now to eat more vegetables and fruit – your systems need them. We are there for you; call on us for help and for the inner guidance that is always within you..”
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Dear Readers: The Masters have guided me to re-print these most important articles first given to me and printed in the 1995 & 1996 issues of the Newsletter I was publishing at that time. The articles have been copied and shared internationally for a long time, but since we have so many new readers, it is time to share this spiritual secret with you again. As these coming difficult years are upon us now, this teaching is even more important than ever. Ruth.


The Father of all has set all events upon your planet to take place at set times. Within this framework, humankind has had Free Will to experience life as they wished. Wars have erupted over religious points of view, as well as from greed. Nevertheless, God’s Plan for His creation is still on target, and humankind is working with that Plan as it becomes more and more apparent.

The time has come that the Children of God become able to change all of the negative factors that rule your societies and create a better world. When human beings inherit the full power to heal themselves of physical and mental ailments, the dark forces who act as the second part of the God-created duality on your world will loose their dominion over humanity by controlling their physical beings and mental egos. Even if there is a population of those who have less food or money than they need, the threat of physical illness or starvation will have been dissolved, worry and resentment will fade away as perfect health presents the better incentive to find other ways and places to live in more desirable situations.

Wars will become obsolete as humankind rejects the concept of harming others, from the utter futility of it. This will not erase greed, of course, for the desire to “have it all” will increase in the young. As the population grows older, however, the realization that gathering “things” has no real meaning. Men and women will live longer, of course, and some will choose at first to live “forever”. As time wears on and intellect increases, it will become clear that this small orb in space has serious limitations and the yearning to return “home” will send the immortals fleeing back to the Love and Peace of the spiritual kingdom.

We are instructed to give you now the Secret of Healing. This knowledge will be ignored for a time, for the achievement of using the knowledge properly is not easy. The seed is here planted and those who persevere will be the first of the new race of humankind to live unfettered by illness or mental problems. Keep these papers, copy them and share them with others, and either you or someone you know will realize the necessity of opening the consciousness to the re-creation of the body and mind.

There is within you, deeply hidden, the ability to heal your own body from any illness, injury or ailment. Within your body is a specific enzyme that carries the perfect pattern for the body. When it is activated, the enzyme starts broadcasting directions to all cells of the body, directing damaged cells to be replaced, diseased cells to heal, distortions in cells to be re-shaped into perfection. The bodies you have been given are self-perpetuating organisms which can be directed by the conscious mind, as they have always been directed from the subconscious mind.


Immortality seems to be a wonderful goal, and it is possible to attain. But remember, you must realize that spiritual life is restricted enormously by remaining in the physical plane. Until you have experienced the soaring, wonderful spiritual love and beingness during deep meditation, you will not understand this. The spiritual being you really are enters into the physical body only to experience the challenges of density, continuing to rise in knowledge until it is ready to return to the Creator in complete fullness of consciousness; the excess time that the body remains in the third dimension only delays this process.

However, there is no need to live in physical misery while you are embodied. There are many healers today who have the conscious knowledge of the healing process and, when they lay their hands on others to heal, are in truth activating the “Healing Enzyme” in the body of the other, giving it the go-ahead to start the healing process. The healer calls for energy from God; the energy enters the body of the one seeking help, providing a jump-start for the enzyme, and the healing is commenced. This is the way Jesus, the Christ, healed when walking the Earth. Is it a miracle? No, it is finally using what the Creator has provided for His children. Having knowledge of such a process is the starting point in your own healing.



There are cases where this cluster of nerves has been so damaged that production of the enzyme is impossible because of the injury. Otherwise, the cells are well protected and lie dormant until activated.


During meditation, the focus of the mind must be transferred to that area of the brain and a direct command is to be given for the enzyme to come forth and be fully active in the body.. You will feel not only a tingling at that spot, but a sharp pain as the energy it contains explodes into life. Do not be alarmed, just relax and let it be.

From then on, when you have need of physical healing, simply direct the enzyme with your conscious mind to take care of it. Focus your attention upon the afflicted part of your body and command that it be healed. Simple as that? Yes, but it will take time and practice to be really effective. Using the command regularly while in a light meditative state will be of great help, keeping this influence in your body activated. If the effectiveness of the enzyme seems to fail, this procedure may be repeated as often as necessary.

To the extent that an individual’s conscious thoughts are in balance enough to recognize that mental problems exist, directing personal healing for the mind will be accomplished in the same manner. Deep sorrows, hatreds that cannot be controlled by the mind, depression, etc., can be gently dissipated with the Healing Enzyme. In many cases, this kind of healing will need to be done by another who is proficient in activating the enzyme. A diseased mind cannot activate or control the Healing Enzyme.

Can torn flesh be healed in this way? Yes, it can. This is the way “miracle” healings are accomplished. Broken bones and tortured flesh will come together and be made whole. This is the secret that humankind has been waiting for.

You have always been in full command of your own bodies and your own lives; humanity has just started to understand this reality. In the times to come, there will be no need for physicians as you and your descendants learn to take care of your own physical needs, although there will always be the need of one person for another, to share love and energy. When a person is seriously hurt and cannot command his/her body, another person can always intercede and activate the Healing Enzyme. Human beings will always need each other as they need the very Light of the Father of Creation around them at all times.


If the request is denied for any reason, you will feel an almost solid wall come between you and the one you are trying to help heal, and any energy you try to transmit will be turned back. The spiritual Higher Self of each human being has full and Free Will, always, and many are they who have determined before human birth to exit the world at a certain time or for specific reasons, or to suffer physical pain or disabilities, even if the conscious mind is unaware of that purpose.

Use the knowledge of the Healing Enzyme with yourself first. Train yourself in its use; see and understand what happens in your own body as you finally achieve the activation. When you feel you are in full control of this process, then, and only then, should you try to help others in this way.

You have a saying, “A little knowledge can be dangerous”. It can be dangerous, in this instance, by giving another person a great degree of hope that may become a disappointment if the process is not handled properly. Unless the mind is vibrating at the highest level of the third dimension or the lower levels of the fourth dimension, the enzyme will not activate in the proper frequency, becoming, not dangerous, but simply ineffective. This is why it is important to take time to reach the right vibration of the consciousness during meditation to be able to activate the enzyme. A healer has a great responsibility when sending energy to another, both physically and emotionally, and healing should not be attempted, whether by this modality, or any other, unless the healer is well prepared.

Use this knowledge within the Light of God. Use it with love for yourself and for others; use it because the time has come for you to do so.”

(A year later, there was a follow-up message given, which I also share here.)

As the mind accepts the concept that there is an actual place in the brain that can be activated to send healing powers through the body, the desire to probe into the depths of your own minds becomes very powerful. There must first be an intense desire to use meditation in a way never before dreamed of, to access that healing ability for oneself and for others. As has been said, it is not a simple sitting down, meditating and finding that source of healing in an evening. This meditation must utilize your own conscious mind, even though it is stilled for that period of time you are in the silence, your spiritual self that you are reaching out to access, and the subconscious mind, for it is waiting to receive the signal of the activation of the Healing Enzyme Center so it may program that response to serve your calls to action.

You will know when you have achieved this feat of activation when you suddenly feel a sharp pain starting from the base of the skull and reaching through the head to the front of the forehead (third eye) position between your eyebrows. It will last but a few seconds, longer in some people if they resist the pain, then it will subside – never to be felt again. This also signals the subconscious to program this ability into your base memory. From now on, all you need to do is to visualize an area to be healed as being in perfect health, brimming with vitality. It is no miracle; it is the coming of age of the human race. The energy activating the Enzyme is the Energy of Creation.

God Bless you all on your quest!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During the Shift

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During the Shift

2011 June 4
Lucy brings to my attention a lecture Drunvalo gave quite some time ago on what might be expected during the “shift” that we now call Ascension. There are a couple of points that some people may have a reaction to so let me mention them here.
At the end, Drunvalo says that the shift is expected some time in 1998. The Ascension was in fact planned to happen in 2000, but it was felt that many more people might choose to ascend if the date was pushed back.  Here is SaLuSa for instance on that:
“It has in fact been quite a time since you became aware of the higher plan to lift your vibrations, and you have responded magnificently to the challenge of doing so. You have had much assistance from the Brotherhood of Light, and have grounded the Light upon Earth. Where your collective consciousness is concerned, in a relatively short time you have raised your vibrations quite considerably.
“It was this achievement that led to the decision to allow your cycle to run its full course. It was seen that by the end time of 2012 a greater number of souls would have reached a level allowing them to ascend than may otherwise have done so if the Millennium had been a cut-off point.” (SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2010.)
So Drunvalo is not amiss in expecting Ascension sooner than 2012. The second matter is his description of what occurs during the shift from 3rd to 4th dimensions. I’m afraid I cannot say whether what he says is true or not. Some of what he says fits descriptions of the Astral Planes so there is some corroboration for it.
Perhaps just read that part of his lecture for enjoyment’s sake and hold it as tentative knowledge.  We are assured of getting a full briefing on the dimensional shift before we experience it and of being guided through the process so there is no reason to feel apprehensive. In the meantime this is one of the earliest discussions of this topic I’ve seen and has a certain historical value if nothing else. It’s a keeper for me as a first of its kind, whether or not all of it holds up.

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During The Shift
From a Lecture by Drunvalo Melchizedek of the Flower of Life Workshop
What’s Going to Happen in the Near Future
What usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down – all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science realizes may also be the key that enables the axis to shift in the first place through magneto- hydrodynamics, where the magnetic field supports a connection where liquid aspects of the earth’s composition become solid. When the field collapses, some solids become liquid and become slippery.
They have demonstrated this in laboratories. The magnetic field and the electromagnetic field are the key. The magnetic field is what we use to interpret who and what we think we are, and also to store our memory with. We need an exterior magnetic field to retain memory. We cannot live without some form of magnetic field. If you look at major cities all over the world, you will notice that the day before, after and during the full moon there is more rape and murder going on. The reason is that the full moon tends to cause a ripple in the magnetic field of the earth, and this change is enough to take people that are emotionally near the edge over the edge. The magnetic field affects the emotional body
The Collapse of the Magnetic Field
Imagine a planet where you are at a point on the precession where things are starting to get out of balance. Suddenly the magnetic field of the Earth, over a very short period of time (usually three to six months) starts fluctuating a lot and undulating. What happens is that people start losing it. They go crazy. That is what breaks down all the structures of the planet. Without their balance, everything falls apart. The magnetic field will go away entirely for at least three and one half days. Usually you will see a buildup of chaos.
Morphological Grid Interactions
Every time one person plugs into the consciousness grid, they increase the signal from the grid. There will come a point where people will just start remembering and start breathing this way. Children will have the least problem. The older you are the harder it is.
The Final Time of Axis Shift and Dimensional Interface
Hopefully it won’t really get crazy out there – if it does, that is where the idea of Armageddon comes in. If you look back through the records, you will see that when the axis shifted in 1400 A.D., in South America, they all started fighting and warring with each other, because their emotions got so strong. Hopefully, that won’t happen.
About five to six hours before the dimensional shift in consciousness, the process (which is usually tied to an axis shift) begins. Axis shifts and shifts in consciousness are usually tied together. In this case, the consciousness shift may happen before or after the axis shift. Usually they are simultaneous, and usually what happens in this period five or six hours before a dimensional shift is a visual phenomenon. This almost for certain will happen as 3rd and 4th dimension begin to interface, and our consciousness begins to move into 4th dimensional consciousness and 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to recede away.
When that happens, synthetic manufactured objects which consist of materials which do not occur naturally on the Earth, begin to disappear over a wide gradient, depending what the materials are. They do not disappear all at once. When the grid of 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to break down along with the collapse of the magnetic field, these synthetic objects begin to disappear over this five or six hour period. Since axis/conscious/grid changes have happened continously for millions of years, this is why there are few manufactured objects from previous civilizations (some of which have been more advanced than ours) which remain to tell the tale.
The fact that objects start to disappear really starts to make people who do not understand what is happening go crazy. That is why it is important to remember this. It is a natural process, and when this starts to happen you should get to a place that is natural, not inside an artificial structure. You want to be out on the earth. This is the reason why very advanced civilizations built structures out of natural materials, like stone. They make it through the dimensional changes and remain there.
This is also why at the Taos pueblo, which is 1,400 years old, they are not allowed by tribal law to have anything synthetic in their buildings. They know that when the day of purification comes, they go in and remain centered.
There is another phenomenon that will probably happen. As the dimensional interface occurs, 4th dimensional objects may appear in the 3rd dimensional world. They will be objects that will not seem to fit in anywhere with colors that will boggle your mind. These objects will impact your mind in ways you cannot understand. Since gradual movement through the interface is desired, do not touch any of these objects (to touch one would pull you instantly and fully into the 4th dimension) or look at them. They are mesmerizing, and looking at them will pull you more rapidly into the 4th.
If you are calm and centered, you will be able to watch all of this for a time, but not for long. As soon as the magnetic field collapses, your field of view and vision will disappear and you will find yourself in a black void. The 3rd dimensional Earth, for all intents and purposes, will be gone for you. What happens to most people during this time is that they will fall asleep and start dreaming during this period, which lasts about three to four days. If you want you can just sit there, but realize that whatever you think is going to happen will happen. Realize that you are about to literally go through a kind of “birth” process into the 4th dimension, and don’t worry about it. The process is perfect and natural, but fear is a big problem for humans on a 3rd dimensional level. This appears to be a new process, but it is very very old. You have done it before. At some time during the process you may in fact remember that you have done it before.
The Other Side
As the 4th dimensional world comes into perception, light comes back again. You will find yourself in a world the likes of which you have never seen (although you have, but you will not remember it because your memory has been erased so many times before). It will feel like a brand new place. All the colors and shapes and the feel of everything will be new. You will be perceptively just like you were when you came into 3rd dimensional consciousness, except that you will be the same size you are now. There are a lot of things that are very similar from world to world – one of them is the idea of the holy trinity (mother-father-child). As you enter into this brand new place, although you won’t understand anything, you are going to see two beings standing there – mom and dad; they are going to be very big compared to you. They are going to be about ten to sixteen feet tall. One will be male and one will be female. These beings have a bond with you and will guide and protect you during your early formative period in this world. These beings do not have the kind of attachment to you that parents on Earth might have had. From the very beginning, they know that you are part of the Creator and recognize your divine nature. You will appear just like you are now, though more than likely naked, since any synthetic clothing will not have made it through the shift.
You will come out the other side and be in this incredible reality with these two beings that you somehow feel this intense love towards, although you won’t understand why. Although your physical form is exactly the same, the atomic structure in your body will have changed dramatically. Much of the denseness of the previous physical structure will have been converted into energy, and the atomic structure will be farther apart than before. Most of your body will have been converted into energy, but you won’t know that.
The Many Are Called – Few Are Chosen Scenario
In the Bible, Jesus said “two of you shall be in bed and one of you I shall take”. This speaks of a “many are called-few are chosen”scenario, which is often what happens, but you can only do so much to help someone. You will go through this process alone. It will be determined by your character and who you are.
What usually happens is that some people go through and some do not make it through, but there is a third possibility – that someone will have just made it through. Jesus spoke of a parable about the wheat and the chaff as an analogy. The wheat that goes through had some weeds with it. Who takes the weeds out? The weeds do. You take yourself out. When you get to the 4th dimensional conscious- ness, most people don’t know that you are creating the entire world and every- thing in it second by second by your thoughts and your feelings – every- thing. It is true in the 3rd dimension as well, but it is not realized because we have culturally put all these limitations on ourselves that we can’t do anything. There, it’s all inclusive and instantaneous. If you are there and you are not really ready for it and you start thinking negative thoughts and fear comes in, you will create a scenario which will result in your being thrown back into a lower dimension.
At the same time, the “wheat” is going through, and sitting there and thinking “love, truth, beauty, peace and harmony” – and that is what happens. You start manifesting all of it. You become stable in the new reality because of what you are thinking and feeling – your character and who you are. Jesus, referring to this time, said “if you live by the sword you shall die by the sword” and “the meek shall inherit the Earth”. Those who are there and not trying to protect, kill or anything else along those lines, but just being and thinking positive thoughts – that is what manifests, and you’ve just won the game.
After the entities who are not resonant (“chaff”) are gone and the resonant entities (“wheat”) remain, one of the first things that begins to happen is that you begin to realize that “hey, whatever I think happens!”. Usually people look at their bodies in this light and begin to change their appearance to suit whatever idealized image they have in mind – it’s a childlike exercise. If you look at some of the non-terrestrial races, they are all tall, beautiful and healthy. The self-modification of body structure is a natural occurrence from the 4th dimension onward. It is a creative expression. After that, other things become more interesting as activities.
On Earth in the 3rd dimension, it takes roughly 18-21 years to go from a baby to someone who can go out and take care of themselves. On the 4th dimensional world, experientially, it takes about two years to go from your present size and state (when you first arrive) to an adult – and you start growing again. Your body grows, your head elongates in the back, and you end up looking like Ahknaton. This is what the Egyptian egg of metamorphosis what about.
All this explains why it is essential that you maintain peace within during the first few hours of the dimensional interface and progression into the next area of dimensional consciousness. Again, work on your character. The moment you establish the Merkaba during this time, you’ve made it. Its the inner technology that is most important. Helping others is very important. As you understand more of what this is about, you have a moral responsibility to help if they ask.
Your Cosmic Development
During this shift, there is a polarity with your “higher self” which merges into your current state of consciousness to the point where you and it become one.
A very high level of dimensional consciousness has as its “body” the planet Earth. You, on a high level of consciousness, have as your body the body you are currently using. Literally, someday you will become suns and stars in the sky – it is part of the process of life.
Your new “Parents”
Relative to these beings you will encounter, your new “parents”, you already will have a “karmic” bond with them; they will guide and protect you during the first two years until you can go out on your own. They realize your true divine nature as part of the creation, unlike Earth parents, many of whom view their children as “possessions” to be “controlled”. If your new parents wanted to tell you something, you would simply experience it. If they wanted to tell you about a room, you would be in it. It is sort of like an extension of a higher level of dream time from the 42+2 level of consciousness. The 4th dimensional realm is really not that much different than the 3rd dimension in some ways. It’s still a world which has a physical aspect to it.
Injection of Christ/Unity Consciousness Models Into The Planetary Grids
Many individual entities have manifested themselves on this planet in order to illustrate the possibilities in unity consciousness. After the introduction of writing, a model was need in order to inject an example into the akashic/ morphic field and into the memory of man that unity consciousness was an option. Jesus, who had been through a great number of dimensional levels, was the entity who accomplished that purpose. Because of his efforts, the IDEA of man-unity consciousness is within the MEMORY of man to act as a model. It is also within the grid around the planet.
First, you have Akhenaten as one of the Pharaohs, illustrating unity consciousness – “that which we would become”. He walked around for a few years and put that into the grid. He created the seed from which the Essene Brotherhood grew. From them eventually came Mary and Joseph, who made it possible for the introduction again of unity consciousness through Yeshua Ben Joseph, referred to as Jesus. When Jesus started telling people “love each other, love your enemies”, no one wanted to hear it – people were in duality consciousness and it didn’t make any sense. Knowing now about 4th dimensional consciousness – it should make sense. The words he spoke are powerful and true, and we need to take the knowledge and make it part of our lives.
All the efforts of unity consciousness beings who have come to 3rd dimensional Earth have been in an effort to heal the process that occurred in Atlantis.
Drunvalo ended the lecture by saying, “It appears right now that the shift will take place, accoring to how everything is going, around the fall of 1998.” Barbara Hand Clow who wrote the Pleadian Agenda thought it will happen byJune 21, 1998…

There is nothing outside of This Moment that is real!


Annete Carlson is an advanced Lightworker.   You can sign up for free calls at the site above. 

She says:

What do you imagine life is going to be like in 5 years, 10 years? How is the Golden Age (of Higher Consciousness) we have entered going to save Humanity from itself? The world is now going through major changes to survive. We are at a crucial time in our evolution. We are being guided to move into new awarenesses that shift our lives and our perceptions. We are being called to Wake Up from living the fear that has deadened our hearts to our true happiness and joy. Our planet reflects the state of our own inner conflicts, anger and confusion. The world is a mirror to what is inside of us. What will help us?

Our Souls are calling out for that connection back to Love, back to Truth.  So what is that Truth?  It is simple and very profound.  There is nothing outside of This Moment that is real.  Awakening to that Reality is a process of gradual inner unfoldment as we become aware of the Sacred in everything around us and see the unity within all things.  Until now, our very existence has lived in a state of separation which is the nature of the ego and is full of concepts, beliefs and opinions.  Our separation will dissolve once we recognize the Truth of the Present Moment because it will lead us to Oneness consciousness.  All the great teachings relate this Truth, that we are all One.  We are awakening out of a long dream of illusion.  This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which is about the revival of Spirit among All generations.

In less than 5 years, the shift will happen, it is beginning now.  Imagine just for a moment that Enlightenment or Self-Realization, considered almost impossible to reach and usually taking many years of practices, austerities, meditation and prayer, suddenly becomes a common and natural achievement.  Imagine that now it becomes possible to receive an energy activation that lifts the veils of the mind separating us from our true real nature. Imagine that we are moving into our destiny of living completely in Oneness.

Friday, June 24, 2011

One Eclipse Left...and counting! Moving into the 5D world

Conscious Co-Creation Coaching: One Eclipse Left...and counting

So, in the last update I said that
"I hope you took a deep breath whilst yer head was still above water because we are definitely going under again…deep see-diving into the depth of our core-self to make some final welds needed to fuse our two (polar) halves." How are you faring? 
We did come up for a quick breath of air after integrating that noxious lunar eclipse, but only for a hot second before the solstice energy waves started to pull us under again.
This lunar eclipse was a doozy for many…in some cases it successfully cracked open core blocks and forced us to take a solid look at our foundations before we begin to build upon them. If your foundation was slightly damaged, most likely you spent the last 7 days repairing it.  If the damage was severe or irreparable, you may have been suddenly forced to begin again…to dig up the existing foundation and lay an entirely new one.  If you are one who is experiencing the latter, no worries...this is not a race.  Everything is always exactly as it should be.
For all of us, the lunar eclipse provided a massive opportunity to release some deeeeeeep feelings of lack/unworthiness…we were given the chance to coddle those remaining loveless parts which, unfortunately meant revisiting some dark places in our past so that we could illuminate and reclaim those aspects of ourselves that we unknowingly left behind.
In either case, this eclipse passage is serving two major and divine purposes for us: the fusion of our higher and lower self thru our heart center, and a disconnection from our sticky past.
"First, we would say this: You are no longer your human past. You are no longer a descendent of your biological family, nor are you a member of the 3d dimensional human family.  You are co-creators of the new earth, descendants of the stars.  You are members of the 5th dimensional human-galactic family, focused in this time and space continuum as representatives of your true genetic origin. Your role now is to take your final step into this truth." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades
Bridge Builders Retire
In order for lightworkers, starseeds and indigos to function properly in this world, a frequency ratio needed to be achieved so that the initial activation for planetary ascension could be accomplished. This means that most of us have not/never have been wired for 3d earth...which, essentially is why we mostly feel tortured by it...but many of us needed to incarnate in the lower dimensions for the purpose of weaving and anchoring the unity grid (our home turf) into place to secure the frequencies needed for us to thrive, as well as to provide a cushy landing for the new (awakened) children arriving here.
The path-pavers are also the bridge builders…each with different roles to play, but all with the same goal: to create access portals to the new paradigm so that the opportunity to ascend to a 5th dimensional consciousness exists for all who choose it.  
Some of us were responsible for scouting out the proper geographic (vortex) locations to build or resurrect these etheric bridges… others were responsible for the (sacred geometric) design, architecture and engineering…some were the scuba divers working beneath large bodies of water, descending deep into the emotional undercurrent of the collective consciousness to secure the bridge footings……some built the framework and laid the roadways that connect one world to the next...some had the job of redirecting mental traffic and finding alternative routes for the conscious commuters…some worked in communications, raising awareness about the new pathways, reporting progress to the public and keeping all interested parties connected and in-the-know…some were the project managers, overseeing the entire production with a hand in all of it, while simultaneously lifting the morale needed to survive the vagueness that surrounds the completion of a such a large construction plan.
Whatever your role was up until this point, if you were a path-paver, you were forced to clear a massive space in your life (read:give it up) so that you could partake in this monumental production. Now that the frequency ratio has been met and the light has tipped in our favor, these soul contracts have expired...which means for this group, the grid-work is complete, the bridges have been built and are mostly ready for the masses in 2012, give or take some finishing touches.  This also means we can now shake off those lingering attachments to the old earth once and for all and spend the remaining days of the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar (which ends on 10/28/11) recuperating from the exhaustion of such labor intensive work and focus solely on our own personal/biological needs.
Warts and All
The unseens have said to me many times that the second half of this year is a "very physically focused one", and while I am not completely sure what that means yet, I am told that the solstice (6/21) was a pivotal point with regard to our "physicality".  The second half of this year, we will be aligning our physical selves & lives with the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies that we have been working with (clearing) for the last several years...which can sound scary & painful thru the filter of post traumatic stress that most of us are clearly suffering from... but the seven sisters say that this part of the ascension process is where the fun (?) begins because we get to create from a clean slate, with our focus solely in the present, without our goopy past continually derailing us.
And I guess that makes sense because we have been grounding so deeply into present-moment awareness that the past is becoming a hazy dream and the unknown of the future is becoming less-daunting by the minute.  This in-between space goes by many names: zero-point, still-point, neutrality, presence, the now-moment, the space between thoughts, etc.  I call this space "ijustdonthaveenufenergytocareanymore".
Whatever you call it, when you're here…you're free.  This is the space where you are truly willing to let it all hang out and be the authentic you that you came here to be….warts and all.  Now's a really good time to ask yourself:  What do I still care about?  Then let that go too.  Because when you just.don', you finally get out of your own way and let your heart lead…which is the whole point.  This is the proverbial "empty vessel" that Mother/Father God is looking for to fill us up with some of that love juice.
Spiritual Sweet-Spot Seven Sisters
"When we say "think with your heart" we mean this in a very literal way, as well as metaphorically speaking." -
The sisters say that this eclipse portal is delivering us directly to the space required to fully and completely Think With Our Hearts…which is totally awesome because now I finally know what my website means. 
The masculine/feminine merging process, aka " sacred union" is the marriage of the polarized divine forces of creation within the human body. I call this "the spiritual sweet-spot"….where spirit meets matter, where head meets heart, where ascension occurs, or as Death Cab for Cutie says with such poetic lyricism…"Where Soul Meets Body". 
This unification process literally rewires the heart for new neural activity which enables the heart center to become the primary control center.  Yes, the heart really does think. Apparently my domain name is not just some artlessly obvious cliche that Debbie Gibson adopted in the 90's…its actually literal.  who knew
The high-heart is  l i t e r a l l y  wired to send and receive intelligence in the same way the human-brain does, however, the nerve center that is located within the thymus utilizes sensation for communication, where the brain primarily uses thought.  An important distinction for the new-human template: feel first, think later. Try taking that into the board room….lol.
For many of us who have been on this train for a while, feeling-based intelligence is old hat because it was literally all we had to go was our ONLY navigation system (well, unless you talk to dead people like I do) and one we came here wired with so we could guide ourselves thru the dark...and I mean d-a-r-k....but collectively, this is a new directive for humanity, and one by which the beta-testers of the new-human prototype will be first to fully embody.  The changeover from brain-thinking to heart-thinking is literally the basis for a new-human species... and one by which biologists will also soon discover, according to the seven sisters. 
"For those who carry the activated DNA, love will lead.  For those who are still undergoing the changeover, love will be easier to attain.  For those who have yet to awaken, fear will be amplified until a higher way is entertained." -Seven Sisters
Karmic to Resonance Creation
The unseens would also like to remind those folk at the front of the parade that, as of the solstice or the next solar eclipse…not sure which, they all just blend together anyway… that you sleek 2.0's are no longer bound by the laws of 3d dimensional creation...which really means  "you are no longer operating within the laws of cause and effect".  When we rise above polarization by healing the separation between the lower (ego) self and the higher (divine) self, we change our participation with the Law of Attraction.
Cause and effect is (karmic) creation thru a separated mindset, which entails a process of polar energy exchange... whereas resonance creation works directly with the Law of Oneness, and from a unified mindset.  The difference is in the application, much of which we will be learning to master in the coming months.
Those who are no longer operating from a separated mindset are now learning to create from a healed space of unity and this will require new understanding, new application and new memory activations that are now taking place within our cells.  Our cells have the memory of home encoded within them...they are mini-computers of conscious intelligence that carry the frequency quotient of our original divine blueprint and they have been communicating with us and with each other to begin the harmonization process required for unity creation…a process that ensures our lower-self is working in harmony with our higher-self.
My take on that is: expect glitches.  Chances are we will turn a few princes into frogs until we can get the hang of this.
Techno Boom
"In the coming days, discoveries & technologies that relate to the "new science" will become known.  Keep abreast of these new areas of advancement, they are spawned from those in touch with the greater fields of intelligence." -Seven Sisters
Very randomly, the unseens would like to give us a quick heads up that there are new and advanced technologies that are soon to infiltrate the earth plane, compliments of the techincally-yet-to-be-discovered-God-Particle.  Apparently, something is about to burst forth and crack the entire foundation of human understanding as it exists within the 3d paradigm... and from what I am hearing, this will not bode well for many organized religions.  I could be wrong, but the feeling I am getting is that whatever "this" is will be much more impacting than the realization that Mary Magdalene was not a whore.
"Be forewarned that there will be those who denounce these new technologies in fear of religious partisanship.  The voices of these collectives will rise to the surface to be heard by all, yet those who vehemently object are those who reject any advancements that threaten their understanding of God.  These upheavals are to be expected but we assure you that those in favor of new technologies will far surpass the furious few." -Seven Sisters
Hop To It 
"Lastly we would like to mention that the upcoming solar eclipse (7/1) will be a beneficial time to thrust new ideas into the collective.  There is a new energy arriving to support those on the unity timeline and so we reiterate that the time is now to put your ideas forth and begin to take action upon them." -Seven Sisters
I am hearing that for the next three months, we will be wrapped in what the seven sisters call "a protective cocoon of fast forward moving energy" that will support many new projects, concepts and ideas here to promote, sustain and support the new-human existence. 
We are being called forth, individually and collectively, to physicalize our dreams and its been made clear to me that there is no time left for indecision or wavering.  In other words...what we have come to realize up to this point must now be fully accepted as truth.  There is a shrinking space closing in and around us that is both a buffer of protection from duality, as well as a field of greater opportunity that must be used consciously. Bottom line: the unity realms have requisites of soul-based integrity that must be met so be sure to check any remaining fear/doubts at the door.

"The remaining months of this year are designed to put you in complete control of your destinies.  To do this requires a fearlessness that only you know if you have achieved.  If the thought of living an empowered, self-sustainable life elicits fear in any way, those fears will be addressed in an ongoing fashion until they are resolved.  You can feel safe to release these fears  knowing that within each of you is an innate intelligence so much grander than your human understanding, and this intelligence is guiding you home."
-Seven Sisters
Hang tight, we'll be out the other side in no time...literally.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A new directive has been declared by the Elohim.

A New Reality on Earth
by Sandy Stevenson
There is a new situation on Earth. A new directive has been declared by the Elohim. It allows for one level of reality to be dissolved to bring the state of play on Earth to a fairer level. For some time now the negative forces on Earth have been using some unfair tactics to proceed with their plan. This has now been stopped owing to continued requests of the Light Force on Earth for Divine order to occur.
The particular reality level being dissolved contains very dense energy and holds the broader sprectrum of many situations we are seeing on Earth at this time such as disaster weather scenarios, the misuse of technologies such as genetic engineering; chemicals and food; radiation and wave lengths; the HAARP project; medical technology; governmental powers, etc. Although these concepts also exist in other bands of reality, they are much milder within those bands.
We could look at parallel realities of Earth as a staircase going up into the heavens. One specific level of that staircase has been disintegrated. At the same time, the other timeline realities moved downwards to fill the void, just like a pack of cards. So, now one less parallel universe is in existence.
This means that dense negative projects will begin to disappear as they have no energy impetus behind them. However, a few projects have already been integrated into the 3D. We need to do something to get these ‘already underway projects’ removed out of the 3D realm. There is a decree ahead that can handle this, providing sufficient numbers of Lightworkers do it.
Initially, there was a level playing field on Earth. It consisted of two forces (Light and Dark) with similar technologies and each had opposing goals concerning the future of Earth and humanity. The Light forces were assisting Earth on her evolutionary path, particularly with her ascension to the 5th dimension along with her life forms. The dark forces have done all they could to prevent this occurring, mainly spreading fear in order to maintain control.
With continued misuse of off-planet advanced technology by negative forces and repeated violations of Universal Law, the playing field on Earth was no longer level or fair. The advanced negative technology being used, such as negative wave lengths destroying the structure and life upon Earth, have come from outside sources and are therefore not permitted by Universal Law. Humanity has consequently been put in a position ill equipped to understand or deal with these technologies.
With the increased use of one advanced technology which creates synthetic heavy weather patterns, denser energy has begun to permeate the Earth plane. People assumed these were natural disasters, but many of the recent scenarios have been caused by negative forces using technology to trigger them. Of course, there are natural disasters as well and these may continue as needed by the Earth Mother. As humanity, including Lightworkers, have observed the disasters and heard and read of negative predictions, more energy has been given to the reality of disasters occurring, moving it closer to the fore as a possible reality for Earth. Similar predictions have surfaced in past years, but have been firmly rejected by the majority of the Light Force, who maintained their certainty that we could cleans the Earth’s dense energy with Light.

The remaining possible parallel realities for Earth are of a much lighter nature and involve continuing to cleanse the dense energies of Earth with the use of Light frequencies. She needs to cleanse any energy that is of a denser vibration that can be taken into the 5th dimension. The same applies to us and all of humanity.
The Earth is ascending now. Nothing that can stop her ascension. But the manner in which that occurs can change. If we wish this planet to stay intact and continue cleansing with Light we need to look to our own thoughts. Thoughts hold great power and Lightworkers thoughts have even more power as many hold a Right to speak for their own soul groups. Have a look at your own thoughts. See if you have agreed that the Earth is going to experience great flooding or earthquakes, etc. Do you know that if we all saw the Earth in a whole and perfect state gently moving in beautiful Light into her new position in the 5th dimension without any disasters occurring, that is exactly what would happen. The Law of Attraction says ‘what we send out, we get back.’ What exists is what we agree exists.
We are also ascending into the 5th dimension. We need to keep in mind, as Lightworkers, that our focus now is vital. We need to remain positive in all things, loving everything and everyone, not judging and clearing our own debris and belief patterns, in order to increase our own light vibration sufficiently to ascend.
The New directive is truly wonderful. It helps the Light Force a great deal and it sets the negative forces way back in their plans. But now we need to handle our own thoughts to ensure that the reality we prefer for Earth becomes the one we are living. This is imperative.
The real reason some Lightworkers have taken on the idea of Earth disasters:-
As you know, when we came here, the Starseeds were required to take on every pattern, every fear, every illness, etc. that existed on Earth, in order to create the blueprint to allow humanity to be able to release those same fears, illnesses, etc. Prior to Earth, no blueprint existed in the universe for a planet this dense.
When Atlantis sank, the Light Force imprinted a blueprint into the Earth plan that covered that disaster scenario. That allowed humanity to release fears arising from thoughts of earth sinking and people drowning. However, that blueprint didn’t cover the sort of scenario we are seeing now. Now, people are collectively afraid of all different things within the same thought pattern – i.e., earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, fires, radiation, drowning, maimed, floods, tornados, starving, nowhere to live, being swallowed up into the ground, hit by debris, etc. So, a new blueprint, or to be exact an extension of the first one (created after Atlantis); needed to be created to help humanity release these fears patterns. It requires a specific mathematical number of Lightworkers to take on the thought pattern, work through it and then release it.
Some Lightworkers have released their thought of disasters overtaking the Earth. More Lightworkers need to do so. Many are in the process of releasing it and some are stuck in that process. We all need to release it to allow the blueprint to come fully in.
Remember, people’s predictions of the future are merely opportunities to see what we are creating so we can change our mind and place our energy into something we do prefer. The reality for our own life, or the life of the planet, changes all the time depending on where the greatest thought energy is being placed. People who predict the future have to also let go of fixed ideas and constantly update. There are also deliberate negative predictions around.
What to do:
We need to do several decrees to cover what is needed. A decree is your Right as a Lightworker on Earth to request Divine Consciousness (All That Is) to act for you. Under Universal Law, in most instances concerning Earth matters, the Higher realms are not permitted to interfere. They require permission from the inhabitants on Earth so they can act. This is one of the main reasons we incarnated here and became inhabitants. Many Lightworkers also act on behalf of their soul family upon Earth, which gives great power to the wishes and thoughts of Lightworkers.
The decrees are needed to: 1. To bring the Earth into her Highest order. 2. To change negative projects instigated by negative forces. 3. To ensure we are free of anything negative personally
Please take this step seriously. If you are not in the right space, it may not reach where it needs to go. We need to become still and peaceful, aligned to highest Light, and step into our highest point of evolution. That means step fully into our mastery and merge with our I Am Presence of our Highest evolution.
First Step:
"I demand that I am now fully aligned with my I Am Presence of my Highest evolution.
Decree number 1: (to be said three times):
"By Divine Decree, in the Name of God and under the Law of Grace, I ask the Highest Realms of Light to act now on my behalf for Highest Divine Order to take place concerning the cleansing and full Ascension of Earth."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."
Decree number 2: (to be said three times):
"By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, Under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to transmute and remove any negative infra structures, programmes, energy fields, wave length signals and other paraphernalia that has been placed within or around the Earth structure or her subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, with the intention of causing negative disruption, destruction or chaos in the structure of Earth or her peoples. The authorization for this request is based on the recent ruling by the Elohim that these acts are deemed to be taking unfair advantage of Humanity and life forms on Earth.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring all such activities into alignment with the new Elohim ruling, thus providing the full spectrum of the Elohim directive to allow Earth its Highest Divine outcome."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."

Decree number 3: (to be said three times)
"By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to remove and transmute in the most comfortable way possible, any negative thoughts, infrastructures, programmes, energy fields, fixed ideas, entities or other paraphernalia within my physical or subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, that is not in Divine Order and in my true and Highest good.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring me into the reality that has the Highest outcome for Earth, if it be for my true and Highest good."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."
With the introduction of the new Directive, the state of play has changed. With the Grace of God, may we now bring this beloved planet and all life gently to a new place of harmony and love in the 5th dimension.
All is well and in Divine order.

© Sandy Stevenson

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Inelia Benz: How to Deal with Perpetrators of Darkness

2011 June 18
How to deal with Perpetrators of Darkness – Call to Action
Inelia Benz, Ascension 101, June 2011
Throughout my life, and at various degrees, I, like other sensitive people, have felt the collective fear, pain and suffering on the planet felt by humans, as well as animals and nature.
All the people, animals, all the plants, all the trees. There’s so much pain, so much suffering, so much violence. I feel it all. I hear it all. Every minute of every day. It never stops. I can’t stand it. And it’s getting louder all the time as the elite use all their tools to increase it.
The blind unawareness of the men in the slaughterhouses, the chemical farmers, the factory fishermen, the destroyers of the rain-forests, the creators of wars. Those men and women who torture and kill millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those that think animals and trees don’t feel pain, fear, and terror, or relish the thought of inflicting these to others.  Those who send psychic and physical attacks onto others.
Years ago, I had a German Shepherd, which had caught its paw in a metal gate. The dog was beside itself with anger and pain. Its head whipped backwards and forwards, snapping at anyone who tried to get near as it struggled to free itself.
I walked up to it and held him firmly, but to get to his paw I had to put my arm between his jaws and the gate. In his pain he sank his teeth into my left arm – which I permitted him to do while I pulled the paw free (more pain for him). Then after the paw was free, I held the dog’s jaws tight, as he continued trying to bite. I held him against the ground firmly but gently. He calmed down and I was able to release it, knowing it would no longer bite those around him. The wound in my arm healed without scars.
The moral of the story? Humans, too, lash out in anger and violence, because they are in great pain and fear. I’d like to hold them all in my arms. All of them. I’d like to show them that they are loved, and that they are safe. All the murderers, all the rapists, all the butchers of the seals, whales and dolphins, all the bloodthirsty workers in the abattoirs, the creators of wars, all they beings involved in psychic attacks. And all those individuals who, in their pain and fear, lash out at me personally, on the internet with hate and anger, poisonous words and death threats.
How to maximize the effect? How to reach those unreachable people? How to halt the pain and damage as soon as possible? How to educate the ineducable? How to release THEIR paw from the metal gate? Lovingly stop THEM from biting, and removing all gates where their paws might get caught?
It is not about who’s to blame. The solution has to be inclusive. Yes, we take responsibility in minimizing the pain and suffering of others through our actions. We can go out of our way to eat meat from small farms, organic producers who love their animals. Yes, we can buy furniture from renewable sources of wood, clothes from factories which don’t exploit people. But what of the perpetrators of fear and pain? We might hold them in our field of light, and allow Gaia to do her work. As a ‘singularity’ – I am but one person. But WE are many.
If we dedicate 10 minutes a day to holding these people in our collective light, it can make a huge shift for them and us. After the 10 minutes, let us focus on the compassion and love of the millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors around the planet, our brethren, so that our collective power increases — making each one of us more able to accomplish our collective work.
I also feel the love, light and compassion of billions of people around the world. All those parents who hold their new born baby in wonderment and deep love, all those who behold our Mother Earth in awe as they sense Her power and compassion. I also feel millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors diligently doing daily acts of selfless love and compassion to bring light to others and the planet.  For every murderer there are 10 healers, for every abuser of animals, there are a thousand who hold animals in respect and equality. For every creator of war, there are millions of us who do not agree with that particular game.
If I didn’t feel the LIGHT I would not be alive today.  Mother Earth made the call for assistance, and we, all of us, are the answer to that call.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Speaking from the heart

     T H E    I N S T I T U T E    F O R    A P P L I E D    M E D I T A T I O N
     The Home of Heart Rhythm Meditation -- for Personal and Global Harmony

Dear Jeanne,

Speaking from the heart means several things to me.

It means that the stream of energy that comes out of your mouth as speech is connected to the emotional-energetic center that is your heart.

Speaking from your heart is natural. It's authentic. It leads to statements that are true, because you speak your truth and own your feelings.

I've had to do a lot of public speaking in my life, in my former career as a professor of economics, and in my new career as a teacher of meditation.

And, like everyone, I’ve seen a lot of boring speeches that made me cringe and wish I was elsewhere.

Everyone should know how to speak from the heart.

Even if your career doesn't demand that you speak before a group of people regularly, you will still be called on to do so at some time or another -- a toast at a wedding, a few words to celebrate the life of a friend, an acknowledgment to your team of a job well done, etc.

Here's how you speak from your heart.

(1) Make sure your voice resonates in your chest when you speak, perhaps by using the exercise I wrote about the day before yesterday, placing your hand on your heart as you make the sound of "ah", looking for the vibration in your chest. This energizes your heart and makes your voice sonorous.

(2) Make sure that you have something to say that really matters to you. Speaking from the heart is about connecting to your feelings.

(3) Think about what you want to say, and refine it until you have three clear points. (You can go as high as five, but three is best. If you really think about it, you probably don't have more than three points to make that are essential.) You want to be able to remember these points, so you don’t need any notes.

(4) Consider the group you are addressing, and your feelings for them. (If you don't know the group, think more broadly about connecting with the group.) Think about how you can help this group; perhaps through a helpful piece of content, or an inspiring story, an uplifting thought, or a beautiful observation. Think of all the ways you have been inspired by what others have said, and strive to pass that feeling on.

(5) Spend some time breathing deeply and rhythmically through your heart while you think about what you will say, why it matters to you, how it will help the group, and what are your three key points. It is natural to feel some anxiety, and tuning in to your full, rhythmic breath will help you channel that anxiety into a good talk.

Try it out and let me know how it works.

Yours in the One Heart,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ascended Master Sanat Kumara – His Mission to Earth – Part 1

Ascended Master Sanat Kumara – His Mission to Earth – Part 1

2011 June 14
I’m not sure if Nancy actually found this literature on Sanat Kumara because I asked her or whether it’s just a coincidence that she’s poste don him – as well as other ascended masters. Whichever, it’s wonderful to have material on them because, when disclosure begins, they will play a leading role and we can expect the Return of the Masters a period of time after.
So while we’re learning about the galactics, we also may want to learn about the masters.

Nancy adds this note:
“Earth humans often have a difficult time with the purity of love and its verbal demonstrations that will greet us once we ascend to the 5th dimension.  We tend to think it is artificial, insincere, or manipulative.  We are accustomed to love as it is on Earth—tainted with impure motivations and personal need.
“One reason I seek to share the Law of Life & Teachings of Divine Beings is to allow us to adjust between the exquisite beauty and purity of love that we will experience upon ascension – and – the lower levels of beauty and love we have known on Earth’s 3rd dimension of duality.”


Posted on June 13, 2011 by Nancy B. Detweiler
To become an Ascended Master is the next step in Earth humans’ spiritual evolution.
A.D.K. Luk (Now out of print)
“We live but to love life free.”
Compiled by:  Nancy B. Detweiler – The Master speaking is listed at the beginning of his/her statements.
Maha Chohan – 1957
“A Sun Council was called when the Earth had reached its lowest ebb, when there seemed no possibility for it to contribute to the Light of the solar system.  At this Conference among the Suns of this galaxy, it was decided that the planet Earth would be returned to primal essence because it was contributing no Light, no music, no constructive radiation to the universe of which it was a part.  It was thought best to dissolve this planet, conserving life and returning the substance of the planet itself for re-polarization into the heart of Helios and Vesta.  As conservation of life is an essential part of the Cosmic Law.
Lord Sanat Kumara was One among other great and Divine Beings from other stars, Suns and universes Who attended the Council.  He went home to His planet determined in His heart to help the Earth.  He did not sit in His courtyard surrounded by the magnificent Beings, the Kumaras, the Angels, Devas and His own people, in proximity to His beloved Divine Complement, Venus and just think it was too bad to see the Earth and all that belonged to it being discarded.  Sanat Kumara, even One of the greatest of the mystics, had learned the Law of balance as well as Love and He pondered within Himself what He might do to sustain the Earth’s place in this system.  He asked for the opportunity to give to the Earth His radiation and Light and to act through His developed capacities of thought, feeling and action, as Lord of the World for the Earth.  This request was granted.
When He returned Home to His Star, Venus, He made the announcement of His offer and many of those who loved Him well offered to precede Him to Earth and prepare a suitable dwelling for Him.  Beloved Lady Venus made the great sacrifice when She felt the great affinity to His feeling world, His desire to come to Earth.  She made the sacrifice of representing Father and Mother for the planet Venus, to give Him freedom.  Also an activity that took life, energy and work is magnetizing the feminine and masculine aspects to keep an entire planetary evolution progressing for millions of years.
Then those who loved Sanat Kumara so well asked that they might come and create a city fitting for Him on this planet Earth.  They were accepted and were escorted into the upper atmosphere of Earth.  They abided within the realms of Light under the loving care and hospitality of the Lords of the Second Ray until such time as conditions could be prepared for their first embodiment.  They entered the actual gates of birth and were born on Earth a full 900 years before their Lord should come.”
Ascended Master Morya – 1952
“The greatest always being the servant of the lesser, their Cosmic Lord Himself, Sanat Kumara, and three of the Kumaras offered to lead the missionary Band.  The Kumaras, with thirty loyal volunteers, prepared for their descent into the atmosphere of the planet Earth knowing full well that They must remain until enough of the children of Earth had awakened to the need of the hour and of the Cosmic Fiat that the Earth must emit more Light.  These Earth children, then, must enter into the centuries of training, self control and discipline required to become Lords of their own heart Flame and through that Flame release the Kumaras from their service of Love and Light.
Those pupils of the Kumaras who volunteered to come and build a fitting place for Them, bade goodbye to their families, their homes, their planet and stood in the solemn Court of the Lords of Karma of Earth.  This great Council accepted in gratitude the entrance of these souls into the wheel of the Earth’s evolution.  Each was bound to the wheel of embodiment, Earth experience, and death for so long as the Earth should need their borrowed Light, and none might be released until the hour came when the Earth’s own Light was sufficient to pass the Cosmic Law’s demand.  Only then could these volunteer Beings be cut from this wheel and assume their rightful evolution upon their sweet planet of Love.  Has there ever been such a supreme sacrifice?  Not for one lifetime, one embodiment of suffering, one death, one birth, but for millions of rounds.
The first duties of these volunteers was to prepare a place for the coming of their Lord.  When each soul was bound round by the forgetful bands of Earth’s magnetism and entered into birth, only his burning love remained to light his way.  Yet each was enabled in those early days, before the wearisome journey had dulled the glow of the spiritual fire, to remember his purpose sufficiently to find his brother pilgrims and unite in the preparation of the Home for Sanat Kumara, as He was to remain in the atmosphere of Earth.  This great preparation, taking hundreds of years, is known as the Building of Shamballa.”
Lord Maha Chohan – 1957 & Ascended Master Morya – 1956
“The founding of Shamballa is the most marvelous activity of practical work, well done.  Day in and day out, life in and life out they held the vision of the beautiful city on Venus and they with their hands and workmanship coupled vision with action and created the beautiful White Island, so called because most of its Temples are white, particularly the great one of Sanat Kumara.  They used the most beautiful materials that the Earth could offer to duplicate the Shamballa on Venus.  This they did, although more than once their entire numbers were wiped out by the savage hordes (who were the laggards) that swept over them while engrossed at their work.  They built that beautiful carved bridge over the Gobi Sea of blue waters.  It was not still and sanded as it is today, but swiftly moving waters.  The bridge over which the pilgrims seeking more Light might pass into the sacred Precincts of the Temples.  (Remnants of this bridge may still be seen beneath the shifting sands of the Gobi Desert which, through cataclysmic action, was temporarily changed from blue water to desert land.)
They built among an Earth people who had sunk very low in consciousness and they had to breathe in the breath of all those in embodiment and take care that they did not also breathe in the contamination, because if they did it would have clouded over the vision of their City.  All over the world they wrought by the sweat of the brow and not in mystic chariot, the tremendous pieces of marble and the various other heavy stones that formed the mighty edifaces.  Some among them who were powerful in the use of magnetization helped them in the erecting of some of these great stones, tons in weight.  All along the way the vision was coupled by active work, until that day when the Lemurian Pole Star told, who were able to be cognizant of the event, that the Kumaras were coming.  Those who had come before were grateful indeed that they had completed through all those centuries a fitting Home for Sanat Kumara.”
Sanat Kumara – 1953
“I have left Venus before.  This is not the first planet which has worn the mantle of My Love.  I stood on other orbs, with other evolutions, and I was returned Home victorious in every case.  Sometimes one lifestream developing enough Light in his or her heart to pay My ransom.  Sometimes an entire evolution developing that radiation required to meet the Cosmic Law’s demand.  It is not numbers but quality that determines the radiation of Light required to sustain the place of an individual in its evolution, to sustain the place of a planet in a planetary scheme.
The Light of the world is but a quality of feeling that can be generated individually and sustained to a point where the aura, the inner bodies and the atmosphere radiate the pure Light from the Three-fold Flame which is within the heart.”

The Divine Self – as depicted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Enlargement of Three-fold Heart Flame within each of us.
“It is not some metaphysical truth that is difficult to discern, some occult formula which can be evolved only by the ascetic.  It is such a simple self-evident Truth and code of life and conduct that the smallest child, the most orthodox consciousness abiding within it can become that Light, first within the small and narrow confines of the personal orbit and then on a larger scale.  Those qualities which bring comfort, peace, harmony and balance, those qualities which externalize beauty, tolerance and understanding emit Light through your feeling world and will eventually make even your physical garment self-luminous as they were when you received them first from the heart of your own Electronic Presence, and those feelings which generate happiness in the lives to those you contact make you a Light Bearer.  It is as simple as that.
You walk the ways of Earth and rub shoulders with mankind daily, particularly in big cities.  Every individual you pass by in your daily association is a potential Light Bearer.  When your spoken words, kindly smile, gracious gesture, when your radiation of feeling begets a radiation of happiness, of gratitude, of comfort, of peace in anyone of these, you have expanded Light in your own world and expanded the Light in that of your fellow man.  For that instant there has been an increase in the mass Light of the entire planet.  Walking down the street or in the stores, the power that is within a smile to light another’s face, that is adding to the Light of the world.  It is the homely things, the practice of the power and Love of God that transforms a mankind and an evolution from the selfish animal consciousness into the gracious Divine kings and queens of Light which you were once and you must become again.
You are entering into the glorious radiation of the Seventh Ray under the Master Saint Germain, Whose activity is known as Ordered Service, courtliness, kindliness, dignity, and beauty of hourly and daily living.
Light, from the heart of the Sun God to the smallest Elemental is built on the rhythm of the second, the minute and the hour, and the radiation which must come forth from those of you who have vowed within your hearts to love Me free is that Light which calls forth the dormant Light in others.
Shamballa means to make sacred.  It is the name of the City of the Sun in the heart of Venus which is My Home….  The final building of Shamballa [meaning the replica built for Earth], over 60,000 years ago, is recorded in occult literature.  That too, suffered decay.  But the akashic blazing powerful City lives and breathes in the ethers over the Gobi Desert and shall remain there until it is lowered again permanently, into the physical appearance world as the Golden Age proceeds and mankind individually and collectively prove themselves worthy to sustain it for all eternity.  It will be My gift to the evolution that I have loved which will remain a part of the Star of Freedom long after I have returned again to My Home, perhaps to go forth again to meet some further star, some more childlike evolution, some more innocent evolving life, for that is love and that is service, and that is joy.
We live but to love life free, and now you have come forth impersonally desirous of understanding the law of your own life, desirous of redeeming the energies of your own world, and desirous of providing the Light from within your own feelings and that of your fellow man, so that I may close My cycle and rise on the Love of your hearts into the glory of My Home, for that beloved, blessed children I thank you.  For your Love I am so eternally grateful, and for your desire to know how individually you may contribute to the Light of the world.  Mankind thinks spiritual opportunity lies on the mountain top, in the hermitage, in the cloister, in the monastery.  Yet, to radiate your own Light and to be cosmic torch bearers lighting the feelings of others, stirring the enthusiasm within your hearts, kindling the fires of faith and hope, awakening interest in brotherhood and selflessness and service, for that you must enter into the mass consciousness, for that We must have leaven, willing to raise the masses through proximity.  It is in the darkness that Light is needed.  It is in the shadows that the flaming Fire of one awakened soul is required.  I came to Earth because it required Light.  I continually seek to be of assistance to love free planets and evolutions.
Spiritual service has been cloaked with a oonsciousness of severity and duty, and it has built unconsciously tensions in the most earnest spirits who, feeling and sensing the responsibility of serving Light, neutralize the very activity which the Holy Spirit Itself through the heart would release, which is a happy, buoyant, joyous, controlled love, which brings a response from the Fire and Flame within the heart of those who seem yet so bound in shadow that they do not know how to generate that Light which is their freedom.
I am the Guardian of the Sacred Fire for the planet Earth.  That Fire is within your heart.  It takes a matter of seconds from the primal essence from the Central Sun Itself to pour down the Silver Cord into your own flesh body which sustains the life and intelligence within the form in which you sit before Me.
[See the Divine Self Chart above for the Silver Cord]
That life is the Sacred Fire of creation, which is the only power which I have used to create and sustain the Light which has poured out from the planet Earth into this universe and given any semblance of luminosity to your star.  The same Light, the same Sacred Fire, is within your physical hearts.  I have no particular gift within It and the Fire within you is enough to hold the balance for a city, for a nation, for a planet.  It is the same power that the Master Jesus used to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to perform every so-called miracle by which He redeemed the Light which was closed in with the shadows of limitation and distress.
The Sacred Fire is the redeemer of the Earth, but it would be best to say the Sacred Fire by which I have being is that Redeemer, and that same redemptive power is within you.  Prove it.
Shamballa opens its doors to the Brotherhood [Great White Brotherhood] once every year as the twelve month cycle draws to its close, and We play host to those great Beings Who have offered to guard and protect the evolving mankind on the Earth, and wherever possible teach them the way back Home.  For millions of years this activity was a private one, and none less than initiates or adepts or fully free Masters were among our guests, but through the widening of the interest in unascended beings, We are host to many thousands of lifestreams this year, many millions of good men and women stand in their etheric bodies in the atmosphere around Shamballa, accepting Our Light and radiation, though they cannot yet participate mentally, in an alert awakened consciousness in the actual ceremonies of the Flame or be fully aware of what is said in the addresses that are being given by the Brothers and Sisters Who are the Members of the Great Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood.
Be the Light of the world.  Eighteen years before my going, I place in your hands the Scepter of Dominion which I have brought from Shamballa, and which has remained the property of Lord Maitreya and Myself until this hour.  I ask that you use that Scepter individually, where there is sorrow, bring happiness; where there is limitation, bring feedom; where there is death bring life—for this were you born, for this came you into the world, and for this day has life sustained you for millions of years.”
Lord Maha Chohan – 1957 & Ascended Master Morya – 1956
“When all was prepared, Sanat Kumara bade His beloved Venus farewell, ascended into the atmosphere of His own star of beauty and Love, blessed His people, and together with the Kumaras and certain of His Spiritual Court Who were to accompany Him, He consciously descended into the atmosphere of Earth, taking up His abode at the Retreat now knows as Shamballa.  The Retreat is now only in the etheric realm.
Out from the Aura of Venus, the first great rosy glow of the expanding Aura of the Kumaras began to suffuse the sky with the glory of a Celestial Dawn.  Then upward soared a great five-pointed star until it stood suspended above the planet Venus intensifying the Aureole of colors.  All the souls of Venus knew that any Cosmic activity of the great Kumaras was presaged by the presence of the Star which appeared to herald announcements or decrees of the Lords of the Flame which would affect the progress of the great Venusian State.  Every heart on Venus was focused on that Star, waiting its message of the hour.  Slowly and majestically there rose into the Rays of the Star, four shining Golden Figures that stood for a moment pouring out Their blessing on the planet of their birth and their hearts’ deepest Love.  Little did their children know the deep feeling in the hearts of the Kumaras as They bade Their Star goodbye, not for a lifetime but for uncertain centuries yet unborn from the womb of time.  Then a burst of sound, as the people of Venus saw the Star begin to move outward toward the periphery of their sphere, and within it, moving slowly and majestically, the figures of the Solar Lords.  All fell on their knees and a beautiful hymn of blessing and Love rose from the inhabitants of Venus, tinged with the awareness of parting, and enfolded the departing figures in a mantle of most sacred Love.   Then the four Kumaras left the Light of Venus for the shadow of the earth’s aura.  Out of the seven Kumaras, four sacrificed Themselves for the sins of the world, and the instruction of the ignorant to remain till the end of the present manvantara.
Oh, how different the reception than the parting.  See the Earth spinning darkly on its bended axis.  No hearts upraised, no song of welcome gratitude.  Ah! Yes, about 100 small pinpoints of Light, like faint, flicking candles, guide the Cosmic Masters’ descent, and slowly and majestically the great pink Aura blankets the Earth.  What is the sudden comfort, hope and peace that enters into the hearts of men?  What causes the withered flowers to raise their heads, the birds to sing with new sweetness, the children to laugh again?  What is this mysterious, unseen ether that has entered into the very atmosphere of Earth?  Only 100 waiting spirits know, as they kneel in reverent Love before the smiling presence of their longed for Lord.  Ah, Sanat Kumara, Lord of Love.  One day shall we return you and your shining Band to your own beloved Star, and as You go, the shining Light of Earth will be a mighty crest that carries You triumphant, leaving us a Star of Freedom, accepted by the Cosmic Law, as a permanent focus of blessing in our system, through Your Love.
When He entered into that Temple of Light Great was His gratitude to those blessed Beings who had built it.  It reminded Him so much of His own beautiful court on the planet Venus.  Those Beings earned a tremendous karma of good merit for that service.  It is wise to think on these things, when we think on the mystics and seers who have been, who are now and who are yet to come.  Because the vision not coupled with actual service according to your means, capacities and talents will never be visible, tangible manifestation of works well done.  In the etheric realms are visions without limit, thought by many a man but never brought to form.  When Sanat Kumara returned from that Conference with the thought of Earth’s plight in His consciousness, one of those Beings for whom He felt very much was the Planetary Silent Watcher of the Earth.  If the planet which She had held within Her consciousness from the time that Helios and Vesta gave each Planetary Silent Watcher the form of a planet, think what that would have meant to Her if that planet was removed.  The other six Planetary Silent Watchers would have continued but She would have had to return to the system from whence She came and Her great service would not have been completed.
The great Silent Watcher of the entire planetary scheme has under Her seven Planetary Silent Watchers, just as in My office as Maho Chohan there are acting under My direction seven Chohans of the Rays.  It would have been devastating to the Silent Watchers to have the fourth Silent Watcher and Her activity removed, as it would be for Me to have the Ray of Purity removed from the spectrum which I work.  The Silent Watcher for the Earth is smaller than any of the Others.  She is extremely beautiful, and extremely grateful to Sanat Kumara.”
The End of Part I

Amazingly, moving into the ALL GOOD requires adjustment!  It takes time to trust the ALL GOOD!