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Monday, April 11, 2011

What Is Becoming of this World?

Messages from the Great White Brotherhood through channel Patricia Beirne.Dear Ones,
In truth, “What is Becoming of this World” is the same thing that you are becoming……LIGHT!
For some time now we have talked about cellular and molecular changes taking place within your human form. These changes are taking place within every part, dimension, and aspect of the universe. You are becoming LIGHTBODY. You and the planet are preparing for the Ascension process. You have all heard of the Ascension process, associating it with Saints, and Masters; deserving Holy Ones having lead a saintly life or sacrificed relentlessly.
In this illusion known to you as the third dimension, you have all bravely agreed to forget the truth of who you are, and courageously plummet from your lofty perch into the drowsier energy of duality. Mankind and Mother Earth are reaching the end of a vast and long journey. It is time to go Home.
You display signs saying “Not of This World.” Little do you know how true those words are. Every one of you is a traveler from another world, galaxy, and possibly another universe who has chosen to experience Earth as a unique schoolroom, with a curriculum equal to no other. Each time you have chosen to return to the karmic wheel of life and experience another go-round, it has been for your en-lighten-ment!
That enlightenment has served you in the illusion of individuality, as part of mankind, and more accurately as Creator Sons of the Father. As the Son of God, you have created everything you have experienced in this dimension as well as many others bringing back with you wisdom and knowledge that expands the Whole. You are all One and the Same. Individuated for the vast learning potential this experience has afforded you, and now it is time to re-unite you in Oneness with the Truth of who you are!
There is no enemy, and no right or wrong outside this world of duality. All of this is coming to an end. It no longer serves you to continue these roles you have played. The Shift is taking place more quickly now, and soon you will rejoice, knowing what awaits you is the ultimate state of Grace finally realized.
We will remain with you, and for you. You have all the assistance you need to complete this journey. Be at Peace.

I didn’t post Patricia’s message for February and read that today. Her messages are quite broad and generic but they do touch on basic principles and are useful refreshers.

Present Moment Awareness
Patrcia Beirne, February, 2010
Dear Ones, It is time to put questions aside, and live totally in this moment. Base your actions on your inspirations as they come to you, and trust in that part of you that knows how to respond to the vibrations and energies involved.
Where there is no fear, the answers to all questions, and solutions to all situations will be clear and effortless.
In the days to come, you will be challenged to stay true to all that you know, and believe that all things happen for your ultimate good. If you truly believe that there are no accidents, you will then recognize the gift each moment brings as an unveiling of falsehoods you have accepted as real. In this realization any perceived injustices and violations of the heart will be healed.
Many of you still do not understand the Shift taking place with Mother Earth is also taking place “within you.” The weather patterns that seem unpredictable are in direct correlation to your emotional energies, and together you are moving through unprecedented changes that will continue with increased intensity.
Mastering your emotions, and understanding your connection to each other and the role you play in bringing duality to a close, will be the conduit to bring mankind and this planet Home. This will happen, dear ones.
This year will be seem daunting to many of you, others of you will recognize these challenges as an opportunity to fine-tune your skills, clear obstacles before you, and empower you to recognize the truly amazing, courageous beings that you are.
It is time to pray, meditate, and find the quiet place in your heart where you know all is well. We continue to assist you as we work with the planet in reaching her ultimate destination. Don’t fear the “end” of the world, embrace a new Beginning.¤
(Message from the Great White Brotherhood)

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