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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Light Work ~ Protect earth from harmful energies

   Let’s get to work sending back all the HAARP and nefarious weather control energies to the perpetrators!!!      I have been using these techniques for a few days, because as a frequent global healer, I am a constant target for interruption.    So I have successfully figured out a protection strategy.  

   I got the inspired idea that what works for me, individually, would work for all of Mother Earth, and most importantly, it would send all the HAARP and nefarious weather control energies BACK TO THE SENDERS!   THE NEXT TIME THEY ATTEMPT TO DESTROY ANY AREA, IT WOULD DESTROY THEM!  It will be most strong if many of us do this! 

   This work surrounds the ordinary humans of earth with 3 layers of protection from harmful energies of HAARP and weather control and scalar weapons.  It mirrors back these harmful energies to the senders.

   If inspired, please join in this effort as daily work.   If you are sensitive like I am, you might also want to surround yourself with this.   I give instructions at the bottom for the personal protections, very similar.   It is in the form of a decree, which means you are connecting to God, called the “I AM” Presence, becoming One with this, and speaking as this.   It is 10,000 times the power of prayer.   Most statements begin with “I AM.”  You might notice that biblical quotes of Jesus have him beginning many statements with “I AM.”

   The gift of the power of decrees was given to Lightworkers in the early 1900s, by St. Germaine.  You can find the original teachings in the 14 books available in St. Germaine reading rooms worldwide.   Then Mark and Elizabeth Prophet channeled more information and wrote many books, and an organization exists that offer similar work.


Earth Protections we can provide

from your heart, sincerely:
Dear I AM Presence,  I give you all my love, I am one with you, I AM THAT I AM,    or alternatively,   Dear God, 

As the I AM THAT I AM,  I AM surrounding all of Mother Earth with a Yellow Sun Shield, except for the areas where perpetrators of the HAARP and nefarious weather control energies reside.    I AM sustaining this shield for the next 24 hours.    Visualize a yellow shield.   Also visualize a Yellow Sun Shield Funnel, above and around the senders and perpetrators, funneling back all harmful energies to them.  (The large end of the funnel is up in the atmosphere, the small end surrounds these beings, and focuses the energies.)

I AM surrounding the Yellow Sun Shield everywhere I’ve placed it around the earth with a shield of the Golden Christ energy, and I AM sustaining this shield for the next 24 hours.   Visualize a golden shield.  Also visualize a gold Golden Christ Shield Funnel, above and around the senders and perpetrators, funneling back all harmful energies to them. 

I AM surrounding these two shields around the earth with a mirrored shield, any entity of low light will only see itself, and ALL ENERGIES OF A DAMAGING OR LOW ENERGY WILL BOUNCE BACK TO THE SENDER.   I AM sustaining this shield for the next 24 hours.  Visualize a mirrored shield.  Note: the mirrored shield is not part of the funnels. 

I AM also placing a Golden Christ shield, a Yellow Sun shield,  and a mirrored shield in the ionosphere, the upper atmosphere of Mother Earth, where these malicious energies are sent.   ALL ENERGIES OF A DAMAGING OR LOW ENERGY WILL BOUNCE BACK TO THE SENDER.   I AM sustaining this shield for the next 24 hours.  Visualize a mirrored shield with the Golden Christ shield beyond it, and the Yellow Sun shield beyond them both.   Note: in the ionosphere is the mirrored shield, closest to earth, with the Golden Christ Shield beyond it, towards outer space, and the Yellow Sun Shield furthest out. 


   I demand that Divine Mother / Father God recharge this decree every hour for the next 24 hours.    (This means that God will do this again every hour, we need to redo this entirely 24 hours later.) 

   I also ask that the Divine Mother / Father God, all the Ascended Masters, all the archangels and angels and spirit guides from the Light and the Galactic Federation  recharge this astral prayer constantly for the next 24 hours, assisting  me and Mother Earth, sending it to any and all beings of lower Light who attempt to touch into me or Mother Earth.   I also ask these beings to make these shields as strong as possible, and add any additional shields that will assist in this endeavor.  

ASTRAL PRAYER ~ This is what the beings of Light will be projecting to any dark beings in any dimension that attempt to bother you or Mother Earth.

 Dear Ones,  
    You are healed and forgiven, you are at-one with your own higher nature. 
You are filled and surrounded with the pink Christ Love, 
You are filled and surrounded with the white Christ Light. 
You are free from fear and pain and the Earth’s vibrations. 
I ask all the ascended masters to take you to your right place now. 
Go in peace, Go now.   Take everything you brought, and never return. 
And so it is.

Personal protections.  

I fill and surround myself for 24 hours with  a tube of white Christ Light, from my I AM Presence (Father God above me),   then the Violet Flame,  then a yellow sphere around my head and heart, going up to God, surrounded by a Golden Christ shield. 

I place the 3 shields around my aura as above, the Yellow Sun Shield, the Golden Christ Shield, and the mirrored shield.   I ground my spirit body into Mother Earth,  and I ask the beings above to recharge the Astral Prayer for me. 

I also ask God to take command and clear anything not safe for the next day, and into the future.   

I sustain all of this for 24 hours, as above.   

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