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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

discussion about thoughtforms

discussion about thoughtforms

Dear Light Family,

Many people are unaware of the power of thoughtforms, either negative or

I spoke about this in yesterday, May 7th's, Light Work Process.

If we want more positive in our world, and less negative, this is something
important to know. That way we can transmute the negative and consciously
create the positive.

Esther Hicks spoke of this long ago, when it was the era of cassette tapes!
She had a neighbor who had a fire. And then she had lots of thoughts about the
neighbor starting fires, and when the neighbor did it again, she realized that
she had a lot of the responsibility!!!

If, for example, a stingy person has a spot of generosity, we can increase
the chance of generous acts by thinking consciously that the person has a
generous side, and it is sure to appear. Or we can increase the likelihood of
stinginess by thinking how stingy this person is.

On a global scale, our judgmental thoughts about the dark cabal increase
their power, and thoughts of love sent to them decrease it.

To hear more about this on the Light Work Process, you can find the link in
the link section, and go to May 7th's recorded version.

blessings, Jeannie / Nadhashree

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